Ancient China – What was important to people in Ancient China? English Art & Design Computing Mathematics Design & technology Geography MFLMusic RE PE History Science Covered in next topic ‘Light and Shadows’ Locate China on a map. Which countries boarder China? Q&A to establish students’ existing knowledge of China. Location, Population, Capital City. Extract information about the landscape of China from pictures. Locate the city of Xi’ an and then the site of the Terracotta army and the site of the Emperor’s tomb mound (Google Maps) Place Ancient China on a timeline Begin to understand the relationship between the geography of Ancient China and the way of life in the past. Ask and answer questions about what has survived from Ancient China and what it reveals about the past and the lives of people in Ancient China. Chinese characters and Calligraphy. Ancient Chinese beliefs about life after death. Model of an Ancient Chinese burial chamber. Discussion about ideas of life after death. Link into PSHCE unit of relationships and also SACRE additional study unit ‘What do we do if someone dies?’ Improve mastery of sculpture with clay (Terracotta army) Improve mastery of drawing and painting (Willow pattern plates) Learn about artists, architects and designers. For example Thomas Minton. Mandarin: Everyday greetings Introducing yourself Counting Design and make their own warrior figures (based on the terracotta army) Children are to select a section of the Willow Tree Story. Children to design a plate to represent this part of the story. Children to prepare and cook Chinese dishes. Children to learn about the inventions of Ancient China. Such as paper, the compass, the wheelbarrow and the ship’s rudder. The children will learn a morning exercise routine that they will practice on a daily basis. Singing Recognise a variety of forms of poetry Exploring form: The Magic Paintbrush by Julia Donaldson. The illustrations depict the lives of the rich and poor in Ancient China clearly. The children are to study the from and replicate it in their own work. They are to write their own poem titled ‘The magic dragon bone’. This relates to the tradition of oracle bones in Ancient China. Creating Images: The Willow Pattern story. Children to read the story of the Willow pattern. The children are then to be encouraged to imagine a day where everything you see around you is in Blue and White, like the willow pattern plates. Read through the poems by Moira Andrew and try to decide where the poet was when she wrote them. Think too about the time of year. Children to write descriptive poems beginning with the words Blue and White day…. Week 2: Mental addition and subtraction: Add 2-digit numbers by partitioning. Subtract by counting up (answers less than and more than 20). Count up to find change from a pound Week 3: Shape or measures or data: Recognise lines of symmetry, complete symmetrical drawings. Describe, name and sort 2D shapes using a Venn diagram. Describe, name and sort 3D shapes using a Carroll diagram. Week 4: Mental multiplication and division: Double 2-digit numbers up to 50. Halve 2-digit even number. Revise 2, 5 and 10 times tables, division facts and commutativity. Revision of 2 times tables, focusing on division. Recognising multiples of 2,5 and 10.