Diagnostic Assessments and the Professional Learning Cycle Creating a Diagnostic Tool that will inform the work of the PLT Diagnostic Assessments and the Professional Learning Cycle Creating a Diagnostic Tool that will inform the work of the PLT
Deborah Keefe Resource Teacher SSSS Initiative Welcome & Overview
Facilitation Team Ruby Nagpal Instructional Resource Teacher - NFO Glenna Perry Resource Teacher with Special Education Responsibilities - NFO Dan Drmanic Instructional Resource Teacher - NFO Susan Campo Instructional Technology Resource Teacher, NFO Dave Del Gobbo Instructional Technology Resource Teacher, MWFO
Behind the Scenes Talent Carol McClelland Instructional Resource Teacher - NFO David Weightman Instructional Technology Resource Teacher, NFO
Overview of Day Warm up and meeting other SSSSI Science teachers Answering -What do students need to be able to do? Identifying “Look fors”Opportunity to see Diagnostic ModelsTeam Work Time & Share out
Today’s Objectives Begin to answer BIG Question – What do students need to survive and thrive and how might identify individual student needs? To see & “try on” some assessment for learning strategies. To have an opportunity to work with Science teachers from other schools and from your own Professional Learning Team.
Materials Inventory Teacher Computer Center EXIT slips
Icebreaker Activity Select the cartoon which resonates with you. Move to area of room where cartoon is posted. As you arrive, form triads (making sure no one is left out). Flip up the cartoon to see quotation underneath. Discuss with your triad.
Meet the Group Please share… name and school favourite science demo or experiment
Survey Histogram For each question, places a dot sticker in the corresponding location on the graph to indicate the response shown on the survey in your hand.
Our Parents’/ Grandparents’ Generation
Our Generation
Our Students’ Generation
What do students need to be able to do by the end of grade 9 / grade 10 applied in order to survive and thrive at the next level?
Mull it Over Which of these things, in your experience, do kids really struggle with? What things do kids need to know and understand in order to do these things?
Break Please sit with your school team after break.
Multi Vote Activity Which of these things, in your experience, do kids really struggle with? (At this point, you may wish to subdivide your group into a grade 9 and 10 teams.) Place your stickers on the group copy of the SMART ideas graphic to indicate your votes.
Collaborating on Backwards Design In a subgroup based on level, select a course and identify one of things for which the group voted. Individually, brainstorm things that you would look for in products, conversations, observations to see if student is able to do the thing you identified. As subgroup, consolidate list of “look fors” and identify opportunities to develop knowledge, understanding & skills.
Models of Diagnostic With your host…. Diagnostic Dan
Facilitated Activity, then Work Time Look at the Criteria sheet for a Diagnostic Tool which the facilitation team developed. Individually, think about and record on index cards: – what do you like; – what would you add; – what would you change. Share out with table group. Submit your ideas to help make this tool better.
Professional Learning Team Work Time
Sharing of Ideas
Goodbye & Thank you (Please submit your exit slip.)