10-4 Members of Congress
Cross-Section House –398 over 40 –375 caucasian –59 women Senate –All over 40 –97 caucasian –13 women
Rep’s of the People Four options: –1. Trustees: vote on issues based on conscious –2. Delegates: vote for constituents –3. Partisans: vote in line with party platform –4. Politicos: combine the previous three
Committee Members Decide which bills will be presented and discussed. Involves oversight function
Servants Servants of their constituents Take care of public relations Distracts focus on legislation Aid people with issues with federal bureaucracy
Salary and Non-salary Comp Representatives get $145,100. Party leaders get $161,167. Free parking Tax deductions Franking privilege Great advertisement rates
Membership Privileges Cloak of legislative immunity- protects from libel or slander Freedom of debate but can’t defame someone else.