ETDE – A Catalyst for Energy Technology Breakthroughs: Bringing the Researcher Closer to Research Lisbon, Portugal 5 July 2007 Brian A. Hitson Chair, IEA Energy Technology Data Exchange (U.S. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information)
Isaac Newton expressed this thought most eloquently in 1676, when he wrote: “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Advances in energy technology depend on the diffusion of knowledge
Sequential diffusion may take months to years! A BC
A New Era of Innovation Accelerating the sharing of knowledge means science progresses faster, compressing decades to years, years to months, and months to days.
Pre-ETDE “A Bilateral World” InefficientCostly Duplicative
ETDE Model – Multilateral Cooperation: Common Database Efficient Comprehensive Original “One Stop” Concept
Commercial information vendors - Sole Access Channel 1987 Bib records, non- electronic full text Technical Evolution of the ETDE Model Increasing amounts of electronic full-text
ETDE’s Strategic Evolution – A History of Partnering/Collaboration INIS Support to G8 Developing Country Goals IEA NEET Initiative – “Plus 5” Countries European Commission Support Other IEA Cooperation Clean Coal Centre IEA publications Brazil China India Mexico South Africa
Current and Future Information Landscape – Challenges and Solutions Challenges The “Google” Perception – Everything is “there” Reality of surface web versus deep web “Members Only” Access Economics of producing bibliographic records Proliferation of distributed portals – maintaining an identity Multiplicity of languages
Solutions Balance strategic partnerships and strategic individualism Maintain a niche – specialty Search and be searched – but require attribution Current and Future Information Landscape – Challenges and Solutions Continued
Solutions Adopt technology to overcome usage limitations Automated user authentication tools Sophisticated “on the fly” translations tools Continually strive to bring researchers closer to research Integrate numeric data access into full text Accommodate video and audio Integrate resources into “collaboratories” Current and Future Information Landscape – Challenges and Solutions Continued
Conclusion Contact: Brian Hitson, Chair Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE) ETDE Contributes to Breakthroughs in Energy Technology