Definition the study of our physical and cultural surroundings Examples Characteristic; can you explain this in words without the vocabulary? *it can be a country, tribe, mountain or ocean In my own words Cultures, landforms and seas ? Or Word WORLD GEOPGRAPHY
Definition: A landform that at is elevated at least 2000 feet above sea level World Explorer (2003) *Reliable Resource Characteristic: Wide at the bottom and narrow at the top In my own words: Pyramid or an up side down snow cone Mountain
Definition- a way of representing the spherical Earth on a flat surface. Insert Clip Art Characteristic-it’s a map of the world on a flat surface. In my own words-it’s not 3-D it is2-D or flat. Map Projection
Resources that help meeting our needs. Food, water, and shelter. Insert Clip Art Characteristic- a resource that helps us survive like water, shelter, and clothes. A resource that helps us meet our basic needs. Natural Resources
Plants that grow in an area. Insert Clip Art Characteristic In my own words Vegetation
Weather patterns over a long period of time. Insert Clip Art The weather pattern over a long period of time. The average weather over a long period of time. Climate
An imaginary line that circles the globe from north to south and runs through both the North and south poles. The line that separates the north and south part of the world. The line that separates northern and southern parts of the Earth. Meridian
Parts of the world Different sections of the world. Different parts of the Earth. Hemisphere
Invisible lines that circle the globe going from east to west. Imaginary lines that circle the globe going left to right. Lines that go from the left side of the globe to the other. Latitude
The ways of life different countries have. Different ways of life. Each countries way of life. Such as religion, wardrobe, languages, ect. Culture
The average people in an area. The number of people that live in a certain area. Number of people that live in an area. Population/Populated
People who migrate from other countries seeking better life. People who migrate to other countries. People who move to different areas to seek better life Immigration
To live in a country. To live somewhere. Living in a certain county, country, or area. Rural
Areas like cities or towns. Cities or towns. Places like cities or towns. Urban