You are part of your Clubs Executive Board You help in the club planning process You arrive early to club meetings to help with set- up and stay after to help clean up. Help guest speakers with any set up or other things they may need. Help hand out information or collect things like the attendance sign in sheet Make sure that sign in and sign up sheets circulate so everyone gets a chance to sign. Work with Community Club leader and officers on making your club meetings a success! The Sergeant At Arms is not just for keeping the peace!
Stand or sit in the front or sides of the room facing the membership. If members are being too laud, walk over to them and ask them to please be quiet. If they continue to make noise you can warn them once more verbally, letting them know that next time they will need to leave the meeting. You may need to ask their parent or a leader to sit with them. If it persists you may need to ask the community club leader to talk to their parents about their behavior. They may or may not receive credit for attending the meeting, this would need to be established at the beginning of your meetings so everyone is aware.
When Adults are being noisy follow the same procedures as with the members You might need to ask the President to stop the meeting until the adult notices, then ask them to please not talk. This embarrassment usually stops the talking Remember you are in charge of keeping order during the club meeting. Remember to be diplomatic in your actions. Your President and Community Club leader are there to help you, so do not hesitate to ask!
In many clubs it is the Sergeant At Arms duty to present the flags. The Untied States of America’s flag is always presented ahead of the 4-H Flag. The person carrying the American Flag will walk slightly in front of the member carrying the 4-H Flag. The United States of America Flag once displayed from its staff, on or off a podium, should hold the position of superior prominence. The Unites States Flag is to be place to the right of the speaker or slate of officers as they face the audience. The 4-H Flag will be on the left.