1 Race & Ethnicity
3 What is the difference between race and ethnicity? n Race = biologically transmitted traits n Ethnicity = culture –Can be changed (E.g. Russian to American)
4 Can racial types be misleading? n Every society’s population is a genetic mixture n All racial categories are genetically very much alike n Skin color of Caucasian people ranges from very light to very dark
How did difference races develop? n Genetic mutations theory n Geographical theory of race –Physical differences - e.g. skin color relates to temperature and other geographical conditions
6 Do you remember? n What is the difference between race and ethnicity? n Why can racial types be misleading? n How did different races develop?
7 What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination? n Prejudice = attitudes –Prejudgment –Treats everyone the same way –Can be positive or negative n Discrimination = Action
What is a stereotype? n Exaggerated descriptions applied to everyone in some category 8
9 Why are people prejudice? n Scapegoat theory n Cultural theory
10 What is the scapegoat theory of prejudice? n Links prejudice to frustration and disadvantaged status n Unfairly blame others for their troubles
11 What is the cultural theory of prejudice?? n Emory Borgardus (research on social distance) n Prejudice expressed by people well adjusted to a “culture of prejudice”.
Do you remember? n What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination? n What is a stereotype? n How does the scapegoat theory explain prejudice? n How does the cultural theory explain prejudice? 12
13 What makes a minority? n Distinctive physical or cultural traits n Socially disadvantaged
14 What are the majority & minority patterns of interaction? n Pluralism - Social parity n Assimilation –Adoption of English
Majority and minority patterns of interaction. (Cont.) n Segregation – separation n Genocide –Annihilation of one category 15
16 Where are today’s immigrants coming from? n Asia n Latin America
Do you remember? n What defines a minority? n What are the four types of majority / minority patterns of interaction? n Where are today’s immigrants coming from? 17