By Mr. Quast
The American Civil War was one of the bloodiest and destructive wars that this country has ever seen. Fought between , it forced fellow countrymen against each other, in a battle over state’s rights and eventually slavery. Although this was a terrible time, pioneers like Dr. Mary Walker emerged at this time, fighting the forces of oppression with every available resource at their disposal, and breaking ground for the future female role models of today.
In order to understand the impact and devastation of the American Civil War, you are required to: Work through the various primary source documents, answering your background questions on various events from the Civil War. Read through the biographical content of Dr. Mary Walker and answer all questions on separate worksheet. Compare Dr. Mary Walker and her achievements to one of the provided modern day female role models, following the guidelines of the rubric, in a well formatted PowerPoint presentation.
1) Using the following websites, answer the questions on your worksheet. lker.htm lker.htm Civil-War-Medicine-for-teachers.pdf Civil-War-Medicine-for-teachers.pdf atx.htm atx.htm
Name________________________________________________Section 8 - ____ American Civil War WebquestMr. Quast Directions: Open the X drive under Quast and locate the Civil War PowerPoint. There you will find links to the resources you will need to complete this webquest. Use a separate sheet of loose leaf for extra writing space if needed Civil War Medicine- First Link 1) How was the treatment of soldiers’ wounds affected by the lack of medical knowledge in the 1860s? 2) Describe the typical “operating room” found during the Civil War. Surrender of the Confederacy- Second Link 3) Identify the a) date and b) town in which the Confederacy officially surrendered to the Union. 4) Identify the generals representing each side at the surrender: Union:____________________________________ Confederacy:____________________________________ 5) Explain why the terms of the surrender given to Lee were considered to be generous? 6) How many Americans were killed or wounded during the Civil War? Killed: ____________________ Casualties: _______________ Local Ties to the Civil War – Third Link 7) Who was Mary Walker and what role did she serve during the American Civil War? 8) How much was she paid for her wartime service? 9) What award did she receive on November 11, 1865> 10) For what repeat offense was Dr. Walker arrested for several times over the course of her life?
2) Gather the Evidence of cultural changes: Using the provided worksheet, record three ways in which Dr. Mary Walker changed the culture and environment she lived in. Please provide details for each adaptation.
3) Using the trade books provided, and any of the following websites, create a PowerPoint in which you Describe 3 ways these modern day female role models have affected the society and culture they live in, focusing on the effect it has had on the modern world. Give background info including nationality, birth and death dates, schooling, any received awards, and current occupation with yearly earnings. ▪ Beyonce Knowles ▪ Hillary Clinton ▪ J.K Rowling ▪ Oprah Winfrey ▪ Venus/Serena Williams ▪ Brittany Greiner
These are some of the approved websites for the modern day female role models. Other websites may be approved after consulting Mr. Quast. MANY OTHER WEBSITES CAN BE USED BE HISTORIANS GO RESEARCH! Biography Biography mercury-brittney-griner-comfortable-in-her-own-skin/ / mercury-brittney-griner-comfortable-in-her-own-skin/ / Serena.html Serena.html
Category4321 Cultural ChangesAll of the required cultural changes of modern role model (MRM) are recorded. Most of the required cultural changes of MRM are recorded. Some of the required cultural changes of MRM are recorded. Few of the required cultural changes of MRM are recorded. Effect of Cultural Changes All of the effects of MRM cultural changes are recorded Most of the effects of MRM cultural changes are recorded Some of the effects of MRM cultural changes are recorded Few of the effects of MRM cultural changes are recorded Use of Class TimeUsed time well during each class period. Focused on getting the project done. Never distracted others. Used time well during each class period. Usually focused on getting the project done and never distracted others. Used some of the time well during each class period. There was some focus on getting the project done but occasionally distracted others. Did not use class time to focus on the project OR often distracted others PowerPointWell formatted, correct information, no misspellings, followed 6x6 rule, no distracting animations Fairly well formatted, correct information, followed 6x6 rule, no distracting animations, no misspellings Format slightly confusing, mostly correct info, followed 6x6 rule, “busy” animations, 1-2 misspellings Format confusing, incorrect information, too much script, too many animations, 2+ misspellings WorksheetAll answers complete, correct, legible, and in complete sentences 0-1 answers incomplete, legible, and answered with complete sentences Few answers left blank, legible, with incomplete sentences 3+ answers blank, with incomplete sentences
Congratulations! You have reached the end of your webquest, and finished all necessary assignments! After researching the Civil War and the brave people that helped the wounded, like Dr. Mary Walker, you can see how she paved the way for strong, powerful female role models of today. By going against what was the typical gender roles of the time, and standing up for what she believed in, she was able to earn great personal success, culminating in a Congressional Medal of Honor. You know can compare and contrast her successes and tribulations to female role models of today!
A WebQuest for 7th Grade Social Studies Designed by Patrick Quast
for-teachers.pdf for-teachers.pdf Biography Biography mercury-brittney-griner-comfortable-in-her-own-skin/ / mercury-brittney-griner-comfortable-in-her-own-skin/ / Serena.html Serena.html