The British Take Over India By Alex Hadley
East India Company The British East Indian Company was a trading company that controlled 3/5 of India in the 1800’s. As the organization of India crumbled, the East India Company used politics to pit one side against another until they were in control of India.
The Sepoy Rebellion The British imposed many hardships upon the Indians, and disregarded their religion. The Sepoys were angered, and rebelled. Rebels went to Delhi where they attacked the British. The British crushed the rebellion, then burned down towns and killed un-armed civilians.
The “Brightest Jewel” India became Britain’s most important colony, and put money into their investment. Britain gave India cheap quality products, and demanded good quality ones. They also gave India new technology, and their population grew.
Indians and British Cultures Clash The British took two views of Indian culture. Some viewed them as wise people, and respected their culture. Others had a “Mike” approach, meaning their brain was too small to understand & respect the Indian culture.
Growing Imperialism Britain’s plan to educate Indians with western knowledge backfired. The Indians started to revolt, both peacefully and non-peacefully. India eventually would gain independence in 1947.