FAIRMODE Forum for Air Quality Modelling in Europe Re-organisation & future work programme 18th EIONET Air Quality Meeting, Dublin, October 2013 Anke Lükewille (EEA) Summary of a presentation prepared by Philippe Thunis (JRC)
EEA has stepped back from the FAIRMODE co-chair, the main reasons are: An internal assessment of the success of EEA co-chair engagement over the past couple of years; and The need to re-address priorities in the light of the EEA Multiannual Work Programme ( ).
EEA internal assessment of co-chair involvement in FAIRMODE: AQ Modelling guides Agreement with needs? Involvement of relevant audiences (national, regional, local) Do we link? Link to AQ policy (processes) AQ Committee? Model Documentation System (MDS) e-Reporting? Interactive “city guide” as EEA web service Useful/feasible? FAIRMODE website
Major applications of models in the AQD Assessment of air quality levels to establish the extent of exceedances and establish the population exposure Forecasting air quality levels for short term mitigation and public information and warnings Source allocation to determine of the origin of exceedances and provide a knowledge basis for planning strategies Assessment of plans and measures to control AQ exceedances Emissions (input, not application) FAIRMODE future structure & strategy
WG2 Emissions Lead: (NILU) Co-lead: (U Madrid) WG1 Assessment Lead: VITO Co-lead: JRC WG4 Planning Lead: U Strasbourg Co-lead: JRC WG3 Source App. Lead: JRC Steering Group [JRC, VITO, NILU, U. Strasbourg, DG ENV, EEA] Benchmarking (Methodology) Guidelines & Guidance Capacity Building and communication Forecasting (INERIS) Monitoring & Modeling (U. Aveiro) Spatial Representativeness (JRC) Structure EEA
GUIDANCE CAPACITY BUILDING Emissions Assessment Source Apport. Planning Simple Complex Country Region City BENCHMARKING Evaluation Methodology Evaluation Tools Datasets Protocols COMMON Strategy: a three steps approach
Cross-cutting groups o Spatial representativeness (Coord: JRC) o Accurate data for model evaluation (link to WG1) o Modeling & monitoring (Coord: U. Aveiro) o Impact of data-assimilation / bias techniques on performance evaluation (link to WG1) or on scenarios (link to WG4) o Forecasting (Coord: INERIS) o Short term planning (link to WG4) o Evaluation of model performances (link to WG1)
Meetings Yearly plenary meeting Policy makers WGs technical meeting(s) Model experts Ad-hoc training meeting(s) Model users Review WG progress Communicate good practices for each applications Identify cross-cutting issues Approve Plans for further developments Identify training sessions Gather information from related projects Discuss potential support to DG ENV (e.g. IPR) Explore potential funding mechanisms Identify existing approaches Development of benchmarking methodologies and indicators Carry out benchmarking activities Formulate good practices in different Tier approaches Prepare guidance To be held ones guidance is mature. On ad-hoc basis together or separately from technical meetings
FAIRMODE Steering Group (JRC, DGENV, EEA, WG leads) WG2 Emission WG1 Assess. WG4 Planning WG3 Source A. Benchmarking - Methods Guidance Capacity Building Results Ambient Air Quality Expert Group MACC II AQUILA IIASA EMEP LIFE + BE IT Results FAIRMODE in the broader context
Represent EEA in the Steering Group, Support networking to ensure that experiences and results gained from work within the EIONET network is conveyed to the FAIRMODE community (and vice versa), Contribute to the review of guides/guidance documents with the focus of strengthening and emphasizing policy relevant aspects of FAIRMODE products. EEA’s future role in FAIRMODE
Pilippe Thunis’ full presentation – given at the AQ Expert Group meeting on Wednesday this week - will also be uploaded on the workshop websites. Thank you!