UNECE Regional Commission Economic cooperation and integration Modernization Facilitation of international agreements (regional; global) Europe: towards Central Asia & North Africa 56 member-states
Governing structure Commission EXCOM Bureau (Chair + 2 vice-chairs elected by the Commission with 2 years mandate) Committees & Bureaus Working Groups Ad Hoc Groups Informals Funding: regular UN budget + earmarked projects
2005 Reform & 2013 Review Reform document setting new structure (divisions) and ECOM (governance) Review: Suboprogrammes Priorities Organizational structure Guiding principles and rules
Geopolitical configuration at UNECE 56 countries (European, Central Asia, USA, Canada) : no subregional divisions Main actors EU (28) RF (5-6) Neutral (Switzerland, Turkey, Norway, Serbia, Georgia, USA, Canada)
Areas of political tensions Energy Trade Environment Economic integration
WIPO United Nations specialized agency ( Int Bureau 1893;1967 WIPO Convention/1970 WIPO) Mandate: Protection of economic and moral rights: promotion of innovation; intelectual property rights; facilitation of access to the fruits and benefits of creativity 186 member states observers
Governing structure General Assembly Coordination Committee General assemblies of the Unions (9 + 1) WIPO GA: Chair + 2 Vice-Chairs (2 years mandate) Chairs/Vice-Chairs of the Unions’ Gas Chairs/Vice-Chairs of the Standing Committees
Geopolitical Configuration 186 countries 7 regional groups Group B ( the most industrialized countries: USA/EU/Japan/Australia/Canada) Africa Asia Latin America EE CEBS China
WIPO Hidden Configuration Funding Normative representation (member states) Sources of funding: 76% Patent Cooperation Treaty 15 % Madrid Trade Marks Treaty 6% Member States
Areas of political tensions Member States vs. companies Protection of intelectual property rights vs. access to the benefits Development agenda Service provider vs. developmental assistance Restriction vs. privileges
Political Tension Management To identify the main types of tensions To identify the underlying sources To identify the strenght of political commitment to a particular interest To identify the lower and upper limit of flexibility To seek better understanding of aspects which can be discussed
Political Tension Management (2) To promote different formats and fora for discussions To reach step-by-step understanding To formalize the understanding through an acceptable formulation To reach consensus To finalize the commitments to the agreed upon To develop implementation plan
General Debate Global Governance Principles: 1.Based on the value of contribution 2.Based on equity What/Who Best expresses/represents legitimate interests 1.Governments (member states) 2.Private sector 3.Civil Society & NGOs