STEP 1 Enter search words in the text box and click on “Search.” In this demo version, LaserSearch downloads just a few hundred documents from the Internet.
STEP 2 Mark a few documents (about 5 to 10 per iteration) to indicate your preference for different types of documents. Green – means the document is HIGHLY preferred Yellow – means the document is preferred, but not highly Red – means the document is NOT preferred STAR – means that it is the MOST preferred document among the ones seen so far Click on the “+” sign to see more documents in this cluster and then mark them appropriately – see next slide
Here are some more marked documents within the first cluster or group of documents
STEP 3 After marking some documents as preferred and some others as NOT preferred, click on the “Improve.” (Mark about 5 to 10 documents per iteration before you click on “Improve” again.)
After “Improve,” you should see that more of your preferred documents are shown at the top of the page. LaserSearch learns about your preference for different types of document and pulls to the top more of the types of documents you prefer or want. Next Go back and repeat Steps 2 and 3. That is, mark some more documents and click on “Improve.” Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until you are satisfied that you found what you were looking for. Click on “New Search” to start a new search.