Blood Diamonds & Human Rights in Africa in Africa
Finish the following words or sentences with as many words or phrases as you can. “Diamonds are …” Bell Work
A blood diamond is a diamond mined in a war zone and sold to finance an insurgency (armed rebellion), invading army's war efforts, or a warlord's activity. These terms are particularly used in the context of diamond trading to indicate the negative effects of their sale. Blood Diamonds
¼ of ALL diamonds in stores are blood diamonds—and nobody can tell which ones are.
Advertisement Comparison DaBeers Diamond M2uYnq_-4k Blood Diamond POV /watch?v=JsfwEj6yqSA “Diamonds are Forever” mx7w9r0 Until 5 min.
“Diamonds are …” Finish the following sentence again.
Work with your group to create an advertisement from the point of view of an African working in the diamond mine industry. You must have a statement or slogan. You must have a rough sketch. You will present these to the class, and the class will vote on the one to be chosen for the advertisement. Advertisement Sales Pitch