† The Vineyard. King Solomon was an example of kindhearted and wise king… King Solomon was an example of kindhearted and wise king… King Ahab, however,


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Presentation transcript:

† The Vineyard

King Solomon was an example of kindhearted and wise king… King Solomon was an example of kindhearted and wise king… King Ahab, however, was the exact opposite. King Ahab, however, was the exact opposite. This king was cruel and wicked and disobeyed the Lord by marrying a pagan woman to be his wife. This king was cruel and wicked and disobeyed the Lord by marrying a pagan woman to be his wife. Her name was Jezebel. Her name was Jezebel.

Because Queen Jezebel was pagan, paganism spread throughout the whole land and some of God’s people began to practice it. Because Queen Jezebel was pagan, paganism spread throughout the whole land and some of God’s people began to practice it. The Lord was so angry with this and didn’t allow rain to fall on their land for 3 years, in hopes to teach the people of Israel a lesson. The Lord was so angry with this and didn’t allow rain to fall on their land for 3 years, in hopes to teach the people of Israel a lesson. But they did not care. The evil king and queen continued to do the evil that they were doing. But they did not care. The evil king and queen continued to do the evil that they were doing.

One day, King Ahab went for a walk and in the distance he saw a beautiful vineyard. One day, King Ahab went for a walk and in the distance he saw a beautiful vineyard. He approached it and saw up close the beauty of the vineyard and desired it so much. He approached it and saw up close the beauty of the vineyard and desired it so much.

The owner of this vineyard was Naboth. The king went to Naboth and begged him for the vineyard. King Ahab told the poor man that he would buy it for a very high price. The owner of this vineyard was Naboth. The king went to Naboth and begged him for the vineyard. King Ahab told the poor man that he would buy it for a very high price.

But Naboth did not want to sell his vineyard. It had been in his family for so long and he did not want to lose it now. But Naboth did not want to sell his vineyard. It had been in his family for so long and he did not want to lose it now. King Ahab became very annoyed and left Naboth at once. King Ahab became very annoyed and left Naboth at once. Sad and ashamed, King Ahab returned to the palace where Queen Jezebel asked him what was wrong. Sad and ashamed, King Ahab returned to the palace where Queen Jezebel asked him what was wrong.

King Ahab told his queen about the beautiful vineyard and the stubborn owner and Queen Jezebel became very angry. King Ahab told his queen about the beautiful vineyard and the stubborn owner and Queen Jezebel became very angry. She immediately began scheming with her evil ways to do away with the owner that upset the king. She immediately began scheming with her evil ways to do away with the owner that upset the king. The queen promised the king that in due time he would get his precious vineyard… The queen promised the king that in due time he would get his precious vineyard…

The queen quickly put her wicked plan into action. First, she used the king’s official seal to send a decree throughout the land to declare a day of fasting. The queen quickly put her wicked plan into action. First, she used the king’s official seal to send a decree throughout the land to declare a day of fasting. Then, she used some evil men to accuse Naboth of disobeying the decree. Then, she used some evil men to accuse Naboth of disobeying the decree.

Once the accusation was presented before the courts of the palace, the king (of course) ruled that Naboth was guilty and they stoned him to death!!! Once the accusation was presented before the courts of the palace, the king (of course) ruled that Naboth was guilty and they stoned him to death!!!

They left the poor man’s body in the street and his blood was licked by the stray dogs. They left the poor man’s body in the street and his blood was licked by the stray dogs.

King Ahab then received ownership of the vineyard and he and the queen were very pleased with the evil they had done. King Ahab then received ownership of the vineyard and he and the queen were very pleased with the evil they had done. However, they had no idea what was still to come for them… However, they had no idea what was still to come for them…

The next morning, King Ahab sat up happily and looked at his vineyard. The next morning, King Ahab sat up happily and looked at his vineyard. As he looked outside he saw a man coming from a distance. Coming closer, King Ahab realized that it was the prophet Elijah that was approaching. As he looked outside he saw a man coming from a distance. Coming closer, King Ahab realized that it was the prophet Elijah that was approaching.

Elijah sternly told the king that the Lord is very displeased with him and has made a judgment that you and your wife shall die in the same manner that Naboth did Elijah sternly told the king that the Lord is very displeased with him and has made a judgment that you and your wife shall die in the same manner that Naboth did

The king was very grieved with this news and he went and told his wife. The king was very grieved with this news and he went and told his wife. Queen Jezebel laughed at her husband and at the judgment because she did not believe that it would happen. Queen Jezebel laughed at her husband and at the judgment because she did not believe that it would happen.

But soon enough, King Ahab died in battle and the evil Queen Jezebel fell from a balcony and their blood was licked up by the stray dogs in the street. But soon enough, King Ahab died in battle and the evil Queen Jezebel fell from a balcony and their blood was licked up by the stray dogs in the street.

Conclusion Name 3 things that King Ahab did incorrectly. Name 3 things that King Ahab did incorrectly. What should have King Ahab done about the vineyard? What should have King Ahab done about the vineyard? What can we learn about the punishment that the king and queen received? What can we learn about the punishment that the king and queen received? Why was God displeased? Why was God displeased?

“Be content with such things as you have.” -Hebrews 13:5