Transforming lives through learning COALA 1 November 2013 Education Scotland update Fiona A Pate HMI
Transforming lives through learning Messages from inspections and visits Importance of transitions between primary and secondary Importance of building on prior attainment at all transition stages Use of assessment to inform next steps and levels (ongoing and periodic summative)
Transforming lives through learning Primary into secondary experience Primary experience still variable at the moment but ripples from 1+2 Some very positive experiences Transition still an issue All entitled to a ML, S1 to S3. Still some issues
Transforming lives through learning Messages from inspections and visits BGE experience Not constrained by the textbook Expansion of topics Flexible in the use of contexts for learning ‘Staff…. have flexibility in determining the content to be covered to provide stimulating, challenging, relevant and enjoyable experiences.’ Inspection Advice Note,
Transforming lives through learning Messages from inspections and visits BGE experience Developing knowledge Developing skills Marrying the two….. Skills in the four significant aspects of learning Literacy skills
Transforming lives through learning Messages from inspections and visits BGE experience S1 to S3 – depth, breadth, pace and challenge Meeting the needs of all Raising expectations and raising the bar!
Transforming lives through learning Messages from inspections and visits BGE experience: building skills Reading skills is groups and alone. Variety of texts Writing in various forms Listening in different contexts, including hearing the ML constantly in the classroom Talking – opportunities for spontaneous dialogue which also gives opportunities for listening Moving away from rote learned talking and writing tests!
Transforming lives through learning Messages from inspections and visits S3 Not an examination year But all that we do helps young people develop the skills to pass exams! Working at the right level of challenge ‘…so that young people can achieve as well as they can and to provide a firm foundation for progression into the senior phase’. Inspection Advice Note
Transforming lives through learning Messages from inspections and visits S3 Do not constrain young people Move them on to Nat 5 level of work if appropriate ‘…learning planned and delivered using the Es and Os can contribute directly to qualifications and awards.’ Inspection advice note
Transforming lives through learning Messages from inspections and visits 2 languages Opportunities are appearing in different ways Master classes/ short courses/ inserts Increasing use of the SLW Award, notable for those with ASN Shortening the time available from the first ML to fit in a second means the depth is compromised Carousel/common course – danger alert!
Transforming lives through learning Senior phase S4 – S6 opportunities for flexibility in terms of full course/award/unit, including linking with other subjects Still an entitlement to the design principles Maintain relevance, enjoyment, challenge
Transforming lives through learning