Continuing Catholic Education May 1 st 2011
Ruth- Overview Background – Story of a woman who chose to accept God of Israel even at the face of crisis. Timing – Same time as Judges Purpose – Gives a case study example of Hope Main Themes – Story of Hope for Easter People – Story of making right choices and God’s way of blessing it manyfold – Story of Compassion
Story of Ruth Famine in Bethlehem, Judah Elimelek and Naomi going to Moab Mahlon and Kilion marrying Orpah and Ruth All men die in Moab leaving 3 widows Naomi planning to Bethlehem, advises Ruth and Orpah to stay back in Moab Orpah stays back, Ruth is not. (1:16)
Ruth in Bethlehem Ruth going to glean in barley fields Meeting Boaz Boaz shows compassion to Boaz who is a foreigner and a widow Naomi advises Ruth to meet Boaz Boaz marries Ruth Obed is born to Boaz and Ruth. Obed is the father of Jesse. David was born of Jesse. Ruth ends up in Messianic story
Ruth Gleaning in Boaz’s farm
Ruth and Me? We are Easter People. If the Messianic story ended on Good Friday, what will be the state of our faith? Surely times were tough for Ruth All men in the family died leaving 3 widows. She shared loneliness, anxiety and grief with Naomi Living in Bethlehem as a foreigner Gleaning in someone’s farm for food
Ruth and Me? Ruth was loyal to her faith Her perseverance was exemplary Her trust in god was unwavering She was blessed since she was also kind to Naomi Her gleaning days were turned into blessings and later a place in Jesus’ family Her Good Friday’s were turned into Easter Mornings
Ruth Moments Do I see ‘Naomi’s in my life? When faced with difficulty, do I stick to God? Do I see show compassion to Ruth’s around like Boaz? Do I a act as a guardian redeemer to my people? Do I hope for Easter mornings when challenged on Good Fridays?