Smurfs, Trolls & Elves
Krishna & Cyanide Poisoning
Tuareg Use of Indigo dye is so prevalent that is is passed on to newborns via mother’s blood
Meet The Fugates
The Fugate-Smith Clan Troublesome Creek Kentucky Descendents of Martin & Mary Fugate marry descendents of Richard Smith & Alicia Combs Intermarriage produces first blue Fugate in 1832 Cases still seen as recently as 1975
Hemoglobin Hemoglobin A is a tetramer with alpha globular proteins Each protein containing a porphyrin ring w/ iron +2 ions Oxyhemoglobin = red
Methemoglobinemia Hereditary Methemoglobinemia (H-met) caused by passage of a mutated gene to offspring Due to changes in porphyrin ring, RBC carry less O2
Why So Common In Fugate-Smith Clan?
Fugate Pedigree
Changes In Frequency As railroads and development swept through, the blue Fugates started moving out of Troublesome Creek and marrying other people The inherited blue began to disappear as the recessive gene spread to families where it is unlikely to be paired to a similar gene
Orkney Islands
Fish Odor Syndrome First mentioned in Shakespeare’s The Tempest (re: Caliban) Body constantly secretes powerful odor of rotting fish Highest frequency of people with this condition isolated on Orkney Islands
Trimethylamineuria Gene identified in 1997 for gene FMO3 Disease state caused by inheritance of 2 mutated copies for FMO3 gene
Why So Common In Swedish Cows and Orkney Island Fishermen?
The Origin of Elves
Williams Syndrome Elvin ears and facial structure/short stature Often lack of ability to read or write clearly Frequently, musical, story-telling and social ability enhanced
Cause of Williams’ Syndrome Deletion on chromosome 7
Why Does Williams’ Syndrome Persist To This Day?
Mutation Any change in DNA sequence Not all changes in DNA sequence will result in an altered amino acid sequence. Mutations may lead to changes in A.A. sequence. Neutral or beneficial mutations may be passed to future generations, but only if the original mutation is in a germ cell Negative or somatic mutations are not heritable
Point v. Frameshift Mutations Point Mutation One change in DNA template One mRNA codon affected Frameshift Mutation Caused by insertion or deletion of base in DNA template All mRNA codons shifted ahead or behind
Point Mutation-Sickle Cell Anemia
Alio Nhunte Ri Nth Ejungl Edar Kan Dac Hines Edentis Tan Dab Ritis Hquee Nal Lfi Ttogethe R
Chromosomal Mutations