Examples and Arguments CHC2D8 Ms. Gluskin
We Need Balance Many students are having problems with making arguments
Recognizing the Difference Examples = details The Warsaw ghetto, which held 30% of the city’s population in 2.4% of the land, was very crowded and unhealthy. Arguments = explanations Jews were forced to live in inhumane conditions because the Nazis didn’t think Jews were equal to them.
A More Familiar Sample Example Ms. Gluskin makes us learn four or five new vocabulary words everyday. She forces us to write properly structured paragraphs and marks us on them. Argument ESL History class is difficult but we need to learn to express ourselves and to do the skills we’ll need in non- ESL classes.
Holocaust and UDHR Sample Example Many Jewish synagogues (temples) in Germany were burned down by Nazi supporters in 1938 and thousands of Jewish people were sent to concentration camps. Argument [the argument has to match the article] Article 1: all human beings are equal in rights: they are allowed to have their own beliefs. The Nazis did not believe that people should have the right to have their own beliefs. They disliked the Jewish religion and punished people for being Jewish.
Sample 2 Example Nazi laws prevented Jews from marrying non-Jews. Roma were not allowed to marry non-Roma. Handicapped people could not marry if their children might have diseases. Argument and Article Article 6: everyone has the right to be treated as a person with legal rights. Nazi laws discriminated against people such as Jews, Roma and the disabled, therefore they were not treated as equals under the law.
Example or Argument? _____ Nazis believed that forced labour was a good thing because it helped in the war effort. _____ Use of gas chambers was a cruel and inhuman form of treatment because it made the victims feel extreme terror before they died. _____ The Nazis murdered 3 million Jews by putting them in gas chambers. _____The Nazis felt that Aryan Germans were superior, therefore they felt it was acceptable to restrict the freedoms of anyone who was different.