대화형 인터페이스 제안서 팀명 : Noise Suppression 팀원 : 김세희, 이호용, 서재필
2 1. Introduction 인식기 전처리 과정의 필요성 인식기 전처리 과정의 필요성
3 2. Noise Suppression 기반 전처리 (1/2) Noise SuppressionNoise Suppression
4 2. Noise Suppression 기반 전처리 (2/2)
5 3. Experimental Result Clean speech Noisy speech (input) Enhanced speech (output)
6 4. 참고 문헌 [1] [1] Ephraim, Yariv, and David Malah. "Speech enhancement using a minimum-mean square error short-time spectral amplitude estimator." Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 32.6 (1984): [2] [2] Cohen, Israel, and Baruch Berdugo. "Speech enhancement for non-stationary noise environments." Signal processing (2001): [3] [3] Valin, Jean-Marc, Jean Rouat, and François Michaud. "Microphone array post-filter for separation of simultaneous non-stationary sources." Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Proceedings.(ICASSP'04). IEEE International Conference on. Vol. 1. IEEE, 2004.