When you come in… If you didn’t turn in your Visual Essay yesterday, get it out to turn in today. If you are ready to turn in your Outside Reading Assignment, get that out as well. Discuss E.M. Forster’s “My Wood” with your table. –You will probably need your laptop today so you can read the story.
Questions over My Wood: Purpose 1.Why does Forster write about the effects that buying a piece of land has on a person’s character instead of writing about the effects that making money has on a person’s character? How are the two different? 2.Why does Forster apologize for the effects of owning his property?
Questions about My Wood: Audience 1.What kind of people does Forster seem to think might criticize him for owning property? 2.How do you think people who own a large amount of property would react to this essay? Would they understand Forster’s concerns?
Questions about My Wood: Strategies 1.Using his own experience as a basis, Forster generalizes about the effects on a person of owning property. Do you think he is justified in making his generalizations? 2.How does he use the bird and the blackberries to illustrate how his property makes him feel possessive?
Satire vs. Parody With your group: –Define Satire –Define Parody –Identify what is different about the two of them
Satire versus Parody Satire: a piece of writing in which the subject is exposed to ridicule of some kind, in an attempt to provoke or prevent a change; generally political, social, or moral, rarely humorous Parody: a form of satire that mimics another piece of work in order to ridicule it; generally humorous
Goya’s The Inquisition
Monty Python’s Inquisition Netflix: If you have Netflix at home, view this. If not, you can come in after school to view it. Search: Monty Pythons Flying Circus Click on first result (should have Instant Play as an option) #15 on right hand side list: The Spanish Inquisition Time: 1:25-6:30