Class Welcome Seminars – Monday 12:00 – 1:00PM EST Seminars not every week. Verify with syllabus Weeks 1, 5, & 9 Class Organization –Seminar Alternate assignment due by Wednesday AM –Weekly threaded discussion Note word requirements Do not repeat your classmates Do not copy from the Internet – use your own words Include depth and detail in your posts –Weekly learning activity – Read entire instructions Due that week
RHIT Exam Offered by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Recommend “student” membership ASAP. ( Kaplan mock exam offered in Week Questions/3.5 hours (similar to exam) Recommend RHIT/RHIA Professional Review Guide
III.A. Healthcare Delivery Systems 2. Healthcare organizations structure and operation (4) 3. External standards, regulations, and initiatives (such as licensure, certification, accreditation, HIPAA) (4) 4. Payment and reimbursement systems (4) 5. Healthcare providers and disciplines (4) III.B. Healthcare Privacy, Confidentiality, Legal and Ethical Issues 1. Legislative and regulatory processes (3) 2. Legal terminology (5) 4. Confidentiality, privacy, and security policies, procedures, and monitoring (5) 5. Release of information policies and procedures (5) 6. Professional and practice-related ethical issues (5) IV.A. Information and Communication Technologies 1. Computer concepts (such as hardware components, operating systems, languages, software packages) (3) 2. Communication and Internet technologies (such as networks, intranet, standards) (3) 3. Common software applications (such as word processing, spreadsheet, database, graphics) (5) 4. Health information systems (such as administrative, patient registration, ADT, EHR, personal health record (PHR), lab, radiology, pharmacy) (4) 6. Health information specialty systems (such as ROI, coding, registries) (5) 7. Application of systems and policies to health information systems and functions and healthcare data requests (5) IV.C. Data Security and Healthcare Information Systems 1. System architecture and design (3) 2. System acquisition and evaluation (3) 3. Screen design (4) 4. Data retrieval and maintenance (4) 5. Data security concepts (3) 6. Data integrity concepts (4) 7. Data integrity and security processes and monitoring (5) 8. Data recovery and risk management (4) 9. Work process design (such as ergonomics, equipment selection) (3) AHIMA Core Competencies
For HI 290 Blog Instructions Blog in the shell is not operational. Blog entries into the threaded discussion area –Use Bold Italics when responding to blog I will post in announcement area and also in the threaded discussion area. Just press the Respond key and enter your responses to the Blog. You will have a new blog topic each week in addition to the threaded discussions.
HI 290 Required Paperwork Health Information practicum experiences require students to submit documentation during placement. Documentation is required for proof of attendance and skills evaluation necessary to obtain required clinical course points. All clinical documents must be submitted to the Clinical Placement Department prior to a grade being issued for the clinical course. Students should understand that clinical paperwork is their responsibility. They should ensure that the site receives a copy of the HI Student Practicum Evaluation, approves each weekly timesheet, and verifies all forms are completely filled out. A grade cannot be issued for the clinical portion of the course until all documentation has been received and approved by the Clinical Placement Department. Documents that are incomplete will not be accepted and will be returned to the student for resubmission.
HI 290 Required Paperwork Clinical Hourly Timesheet Health Information Technology Externship First day on site Externship Evaluation of Student – HIT Externship Site Evaluation - HIT Quality Review of the Medical Record Worksheet Data Quality Review Worksheet
Clinical Etiquette Be on Time – arrive early, stay late Be Prepared Be Professional – Dress appropriately Ask Questions Take Notes (if applicable) Offer to volunteer, if possible Show appreciation Thank-you notes