Practicum (compulsory)
Identify the literacy demands of your programme using the Literacy Demands Template (supplied) and submit completed template. Initiate the Literacy Process Tracker (supplied). Submit the completed Literacy Process Tracker on completion of Task 4.
For two learners: Design an initial/diagnostic assessment tool that must include assessment of reading, writing, numeracy, information communication technology (ICT), listening and speaking. Submit evidence of implementation of the initial/diagnostic assessment tool. Analyse and provide a written record of the initial/diagnostic assessment results.
For the same two learners: Design an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) form/template. Submit evidence of implementation of the ILP form/template.
For the same two learners: Demonstrate the acquisition and development of the learner’s identified reading, writing, numeracy, listening and speaking skills by submitting the following: Your overall Programme Plan
For the same two learners: Session Plan(s) Tutor and Student evaluations (which include indication of relevant environmental and physical factors that may have affected the validity of assessments with your two learners) Other supporting evidence (which may include formative and summative assessment tool(s), student work (with permission))
With reference to your organisation, create a flowchart that identifies the key stakeholders in the assessment process. Provide evidence of reporting on assessment outcomes to the key stakeholders (which can include a combination of staff reports, written reports, minutes of meetings, minutes of verbal communications etc.)
Identify numeracy demands of learning programmes. For assessment against this unit standard, evidence is required for a minimum of three learners. Identify numeracy skill development needs for adult learners(3 learners).
Plan a numeracy skills development programme for adults Deliver a numeracy skills development programme for adults (3 lessons). Resources Evaluate effectiveness of the numeracy skill development programme.
21195: Design literacy skills development for a group of adult learners – Level 5, 7 Credits. One programme plan Three session/lesson plans Resources Formative (ongoing) assessment
21198: Deliver literacy skills development for a group of adult learners – Level 5, 10 Credits. One programme plan (at least 3 learners) Three session/lesson plans Resources Formative (ongoing) assessment Evaluations Create an effective learning environment.
21203: Develop adult learners’ literacy and numeracy skills using information communication technologies – Level 4, 10 Credits. Literacy and numeracy using a word processing package and a research project using internet. Oral and written literacy using a presentation package and (written). Numeracy skills using spreadsheet