My Inquiry January 27, 2015 “How can teachers motivate and challenge students without allowing students to set mediocre goals for their work?” Presented and Inquired by: Mubarka
Why this Question? Teaching Philosophy Independent Lifelong learners Practicum Observations
Research Findings Pygmalion effect largely affects teacher’s perceptions of students Causally affects high expectation and low expectation students
Research Findings Theories: Self-Efficacy Theory Attribution Theory Self-worth Theory Achievement Goal Theory Teacher Planning of Engaging Material Teacher buildind a connection with their students Students responding to positive perception of teacher and behaviors Teacher derives energy from students and continues the planning of material Perception- Cycle Self Determination Choice Making Decision Making Self- evaluation Problem Solving Goal setting and attainmen t Self- observati on Self- advocacy Positive self- efficacy Self- awarenes s
Goal Setting Mastery Goals individual based goals, which focus on skill-based so students know which skills they should be working towards mastering Performance Goals traditional for they are focused on student competition and students out-doing each other
Conclusion Building healthy and open relationships with students is the best strategy to create independent lifelong learners. Clear Learning Targets Collecting and Documenting Evidence Feedback Make necessary changes