Aerospace Dynamic Damage and Crashworthiness Crashworthiness for Aerospace Structures and Hybrids (CRASH) Lab
Introduction Why are we working on this project? What is the big picture?
Last Year’s work What they did Positive aspects What needs to be investigated further – What we are doing : composite
Background Gantt chart Target specifications Mission Statement
Primary Structures Fuselage Wings – Low vs high wings; effect on aircraft Empennage Power Plants – Mention how they come off when plane lands on water Undercarriage – Should be discussed in more detail than other – Trigger points
Composites Basic structure – Quasi-isotropic – Matrix & Fiber material Advantages and disadvantages – Light, strong – Failure mode
Composites(cont’d) Relevance to the project – Recent Airplane use composite (Boeing 787 – 50%) (Airbus A %) :GLARE_skin Implementation – Strain gages – Hot pressing
Theory and Constrains Problems that will be encountered in testing and how they can be overcome using LS Dyna Dimensional Analysis – Pi Theorem Aerodynamic principles – Design constrains: angle of attach, pitch. Where the center of pressure, lift, and gravity should be located for a good design
Progress Funding – National Instruments, SEC Current design of platform and what is being done to change it (improve it) Hard vs soft impacts LS dyna simple models – Ball-Plate (Composite failure) – Cylinder crush (mention undercarriage)
Future Work Find more funding Analyze composition of undercarriage How to predict undercarriage failure upon a vertical impact
Conclusion Recap – What we are doing – Why we are doing it – How – Funding – Progress and Future work
Team structure Team leader Everybody engage in math base working Sub-team – ½ in LS-DYNA – ½ in Composite Funding (SEC) / Equipment(NI) -> Alex