WELCOME Bhaktivedanta Hospital 24 Feb 2011 “We pray to be instruments of compassion to genuinely reach peoples hearts with the grace of Krishna. According to the time, place and people we should balance both our traditional methods with creative intelligence to connect people with the grace of our parampara”. His Holiness Radhanath Swami Maharaj
Be careful about Your health first. This information is not only for you but all my noble sons. I am an old man. I may live or die it does not matter. But You must live for long time to push on this Krishna Consciousness movement. [A.C. Srila Prabhupada’s Letter to Rayarama dasa, 21 Dec 1967]
Background of our activities His Holiness Radhanath Swami and Sri Sri Radha Gopinath temple Leaders through Krishna’s causeless mercy and loving care of Devotees, creatively keep searching ways to deepen our genuine care for Krishna’s Devotees in aspect of Balanced and Healthy lifestyle Education and Management
Background of our activities According to His Holiness Radhanath Swami desires are established two projects: According to His Holiness Radhanath Swami desires are established two projects: PREMA – Preventive Health Education and Management Academy PREMA – Preventive Health Education and Management Academy BHAKTI – Bhaktivedanta Ayurveda Knowledge and Treatment Institute BHAKTI – Bhaktivedanta Ayurveda Knowledge and Treatment Institute
PREMA PREMA - Preventive Health Education and Balanced and Healthy lifestyle training, research and cultivation holistic health awareness BHAKTI BHAKTI - Health Management, by offering useful Ayurveda knowledge and holistic health care, for Krishna’s Devotees, Yoga students and to public in general So far, in physical plane, for these two projects taking care Your servants, Gauranga das, Paramahamsa das and Dr.Nirmalchandra das by assistance of BVG Janaka das Main idea of PREMA BHAKTI
Bhaktivedanta Hospital at present activities in aspects of Balanced and Healthy lifestyle Education: The Bhaktivedanta Hospital already is Successful and getting a lot of favourable people The Bhaktivedanta Hospital already do spiritual care and lifestyle counselling The Bhaktivedanta Hospital so far generally support physical and spiritual health
Bhaktivedanta Hospital at present So far, spiritual counselling given in a Hospital generally do not include physical and emotional counselling Same people have conception, that a Hospital spiritual counselling mean “ISKCON and Hare Krishan maha mantra” counselling A large group of people bereft of our holistic support in a Hospital due to there own condition, because they cannot chant freely “Hare Krishna” and directly accept ISKCON
Our proposal We wish to propos soft approach module, where we train people in BG, SB, CC philosophy given by Srila Prabhupada in soft and user friendly way in the packaging of Preventive Health Education and Balanced and Healthy Lifestyle Training
Our proposal We would like to offer education filled with: value and common sense based approach; scientific facts found in Vedic books; modern - ancient sciences like Psychology, Sociology, Personal development and Educations, Science of Business and Others respectable science. Without touching “faith” side of person, we would like to offer holistic and practical physical, emotional and spiritual counselling like Krishna given first teaching to Uddhava in Uddhava-Gita, quoting King Yadu conversation with Avadhūta Brāhmana [SB ]
What new is in our offered Balanced and Healthy Lifestyle Education? What kind of benefits can a Bhaktivedanta Hospital get?
Our offered education is transformative personal experiences orientated principles orientated holistic
Our focus To give organised framework for holistic, Balanced and Healthy lifestyle To have in our lives Healthy Balance in all four health aspects simultaneously: physical health physical health emotional health emotional health professional health professional health social health social health
Four education levels Individual Success attracted by Healthy Balance of Physical health Physical health Emotional health Emotional health Professional health Professional health Social health Social health Social Success attracted by Healthy Balance of Power, wealth and economic development Power, wealth and economic development Fame, beauty and senses enjoyment Fame, beauty and senses enjoyment Knowledge, renunciation and noble duties Knowledge, renunciation and noble duties Spiritual Success attracted by Healthy Balance of Realization of Supreme Personal aspect with in Realization of Supreme Personal aspect with in Realization of Supreme Personal aspect with out Realization of Supreme Personal aspect with out Realization of Supreme Impersonal aspect everywhere Realization of Supreme Impersonal aspect everywhere Supreme Success – blissfulness, eternity and knowledge Freedom from birth, death, old age and disease Freedom from birth, death, old age and disease
Four education levels
Our education external basic goals Sambandha - Connect people with natural, holistic, Balanced and Healthy lifestyle in relationships with God Abidheya - Educate and train people in natural, holistic, Balanced and Healthy eating, sleeping, working and defending habits to become stable in personal Spiritual practises Prajojana - we are all brothers and sisters in one Absolute Truth meant to personally Love God
Our education internal ultimate goals Broad minded and creative approach, soft language like rose petals in externals good enough is whatever works for every individual person to receive Supreme Success and not harmful for others good enough is whatever works for every individual person to receive Supreme Success and not harmful for others One pointed approach in internals - strong focus like thunderbolt in two main principles: 1 st there is only one Absolute Truth, Ultimate Creator, Supreme Personality of Godhead 1 st there is only one Absolute Truth, Ultimate Creator, Supreme Personality of Godhead 2 nd Ultimately only Devotional Service can give Supreme Success on any material or spiritual path in any fields of activities 2 nd Ultimately only Devotional Service can give Supreme Success on any material or spiritual path in any fields of activities
Our education manner and tools Soft approach like by Peter Burwash in book “TOTAL HEALTH: The Next Level” Principle and character based approach like Stephen R. Covey's “The 7(8) Habits of Highly Effective People” We wish to offer handy principles of Balanced and Healthy lifestyle, which directly can be received and tested by our average senses and intelligence, and natural common sense Refer to counselling in personal development terms and levels in Balanced and Healthy lifestyle in four areas: physical, emotional, professional and social Balance and Health
Our education manner and tools Offer spiritual support in form of Balanced and Healthy lifestyle to any faith genuine people in general: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism (including demigods and different babas worshippers), Islam, Judaism, Atheists, Materials Scientists etc We have only one healthy shortcut in our health care and life – do thing properly according to natural laws of nature and according to genuine knowledge
Aimed Target Group Bhaktivedanta Hospital’s past, present and future customers/patients and their friends and relatives Bhaktivedanta Hospital’s past, present and future customers/patients and their friends and relatives Bhaktivedanta Hospital’s consultants and staff along with their friends and relatives Devotees Mira road local people Public in general with any spiritual faith: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism (including demigods and different babas worshippers), Islam, Judaism etc
Aimed Target Group in Target Group Most likely more sincere motivation and desire change their present unhealthy lifestyle will be for people of age 35+ of following groups: Tortured enough by pain and suffering - Tortured enough by pain and suffering - Heart disease, Back pain, Pain in knee, Migraine (head pains), Neck-Back-Spine pains, Arthritis, Digestive system disorders, Diabetes, Different Cancers, Obesity, Overweight and Underweight etc. enough Harassed enough by unhealthy habits - Tobacco, Alcohol consumption, Toxicants, Drug abuse, Too Much Sexual relationship, Gambling, Workaholism, Unsteady-Broken relationships etc.
Our Strategy Strategy of “Balances and Healthy lifestyle education and counselling” given by HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj: Sambandha – awaken more consciously and firmly: in our constitutional position - spiritual beings, completely different from mater in our natural nature – blissfulness, knowledgeable and eternity Abidheya – training in eternal civilised and healthy human culture and behaviour Prayojana – ultimately released in our own self: “We are all brothers and sisters, eternally parts and parcels of one Absolute Truth, Supreme Personality of Godhead”
Expected general benefits for clients Genuine, conscious, firm, stronger connection with one Absolute Truth, Supreme Personality of Godhead Deeper gratitude, greater sincerity, determination, confidence, self-respect and self-esteem A new healthy ability to express emotions, feelings and thoughts, both publicly and privately More comfortable and at ease with others Better relationships with intimate partners, parents, family members, leaders and co-workers Less concerned with the approval and opinion of others Less the destructive mind states like stress, fear, anxiety, dissatisfaction, moroseness, lamentations etc Have more stable successes, satisfactions, bliss, fun and enjoyment in Personal and Professional fields and Life together and Devotional service centred lifestyle
Aimed character for reawakening in clients (1) Kindness (2) Free from enmity (3) Truthfulness (4) Equal to everyone (5) For genuine people faultless (6) Magnanimous (7) Mildness (8) Cleanness (9) Freedom from ownerships and possessiveness (10) Act for everyone's ultimate benefit (11) Peacefulness (12) Tune in with laws of nature and surrendered to Absolute Truth (13) Freedom from selfish desires (14) Meek and humble (15) Steadiness (16) Masters our senses (17) Freedom from over eating (18) Freedom from illusion (19) Respectful to everyone (20) Free from desire to receive respect (21) Grave (22) Merciful (23) Friendly (24) Poetic (25) Expert (26) Silent
Three levels of offered education 1st level: Introduction seminars-workshops No any limitation on group quantity Usually one sessions from 1.5 up to 8 hours 2nd level: Group seminars-workshops Not more than learners in group a) 2-3 full days or b)7-10 evening sessions approx. 3 hours 3rd level: Support group seminars-workshops Not more than 8-10 learners in group Usually 7-10 evening sessions approx. 3 hours
Seminars-workshops logistics Seven evening sessions approximately 3h from 6pm - 9pm, one or two sessions per week, together 21h all course. Or two full day sessions approximately 12h from 9am - 9pm, two Sundays or two holidays, minus lunch and diner gaps 45*4=3h, together 21h all course. First seminar or first 3h from two day seminar are free sample offering – following part for charge of Lakshmi.
Each section logistics 1h approximately for Welcome; Calm down; Sharing present feelings, thoughts, desires… Warm up; Stress relief, Energizing and team building games and exercises 1.5h approximately for Information material; Work in different groups; Transformation exercises in connection with seminar-workshop theme; Questions and Answers 0.5h gradual closing of section 0.5h gradual closing of section
Seven section theme in short 1. Welcome, introduction and all Balanced and Health lifestyle philosophy in brief 2. Physical (body) health 3. Emotional (mind) health 4. Professional (Varna dharma) health 5. Social (Ashrama dharma) health 6. Balanced and Healthy lifestyle practical application in our day-to-day life – part 1 7. Practical application - part 2 and closing ceremony
Our offered support and Balanced and Health Lifestyle Education for public in general with any kind of faith or belief system, can be helpful and beneficial Preaching tool and PR for the Bhaktivedanta Hospital
On practical level We looking for Your blessings and support gradualy start Balanced and Health Lifestyle Education test * seminars-workshops in Bhaktivedanta Hospital without extra expenses for advertisement * During of time it will be made needful education adjustments for improvements
for Your noble coope- ration and pre- sence Thank You so Much
Prema Bhkati in Balanced and Healthy lifestyle - Prema Bhkati in Balanced and Healthy lifestyle Supreme Success attracted by a Balanced and Healthy lifestyle - Supreme Success attracted by a Balanced and Healthy lifestyle His Holiness Radhanath Swami His Holiness Radhanath Swami Sri Sri Radha Gopinat temple ( Sri Sri Radha Gopinat temple ( Bhaktivedanta Hospital ( Bhaktivedanta Hospital ( For more details Please check web Presentation are formatted by Paramahamsa das and Janaka das