MonTuesWedThurFri STUDENT HOLIDAY ALL: KNOWSYS Cards & Practice #18 OL: “Shaggy Dog” Begin Trial- Jury Take Notes Pre-AP: TKAM- BKGD- Harper Lee; Chapter 1 HW- study vocab- Quiz Friday ALL: KNOWSYS Practice #18 OL: “Shaggy Dog” Trial Continues- Jury Take Notes Pre-AP: TKAM- Vocabulary Study, Quote Hunt HW- study vocab- Quiz Friday ALL: KNOWSYS Practice #18 OL: “Shaggy Dog” Trial Continues- Jury Take Notes Pre-AP: “Free at Last” Timed Writing, Quote Hunt HW- study vocab- Quiz Friday ALL: KNOWSYS Quiz #18 OL: “Shaggy Dog” Trial Continues- Jury Take Notes Pre-AP: TKAM- Quote Hunt RELA Agenda for 2/18-2/22
I CAN: determine the meaning of grade-level vocabulary. Do Now: Correct these sentences: 1.thomas edison patented the phonograph on this day in the manufacturers of cracker jacks began including a prize in teach box on this day in 1913 KNOWSYS: set #18- cards & practice OL: Shaggy Dog Murder Trial Commences- Jury Seated AP: To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee, Chapter 1 Homework: ALL- Review KNOWSYS #18- test Friday AP HOMEWORK : “Jim Crow Laws” C Notes RELA February 19, 2013
Essential Question OL: What conclusions can you draw so far from the testimony and evidence presented in the trial? Pre-AP: How did Jim Crow laws affect people living in the South in the first half of the twentieth century?
I CAN: make complex inferences based on my reading of literary texts (drama, novel). Do Now: Correct these sentences: 1.on february lieutenant colonel john glenn jr became the first american to orbit earth 2.frederick douglass died on february he was born a slave in tuckahoe maryland he gained his freedom by escaping from his master KNOWSYS: set #18- practice due Thursday OL: Shaggy Dog Murder Trial Continues- Jury Seated AP: To Kill a Mockingbird- check homework; Vocabulary Study Homework: ALL- Review KNOWSYS #17- test Friday RELA February 20, 2013
Essential Question OL: What conclusions can you draw so far from the testimony and evidence presented in the trial? Pre-AP: What do the text quoted in chapter 1 reveal about the character Boo Radley?
I CAN: make complex inferences based on my reading of literary texts (drama, novel). Do Now: Correct these sentences: 1.the washington monument built in honor of are first president was dedicated on febuary on febuary richard nixon became the first u s president to visit china KNOWSYS: set #18- practice due TODAY OL: Shaggy Dog Murder Trial Continues- Jury Seated AP: “Free at Last” Timed Writing Homework: ALL- Review KNOWSYS #17- test Friday RELA February 21, 2013
Essential Question OL: What conclusions can you draw so far from the testimony and evidence presented in the trial? Pre-AP: What do the text quoted in chapter 1 reveal about the setting of the novel?
I CAN: determine the meaning of grade-level vocabulary Do Now: Correct these sentences: frederic handel was born on february he is considered one of the greatest musicians of all time 2.on this day in 1924 president calvin coolidge made his first public radio broadcast from the white house KNOWSYS: set #18 quiz OL: Shaggy Dog Murder Trial Continues- Jury Seated AP: To Kill a Mockingbird- Quote Hunt with Brain Team. RELA February 22, 2013
Essential Question OL: In the American court system which side presents first? Pre-AP: How did Jim Crow laws affect people living in the South in the first half of the twentieth century?