Beowulf Character List Danes – citizens of Denmark; their country is being attacked by Grendel Geats – citizens of Geatland (modern-day Sweden); home of Beowulf the hero and his ancestors
Herot – name of Danish warrior hall Beowulf – heroic Geat warrior Grendel – monster who attacks the Danes Grendel’s mother – monster who attacks the Danes out of revenge for son’s defeat Dragon – monster who attacks the Geats because a thief steals from its treasure Hrothgar – King of the Danish people; grateful to Beowulf for his assistance (kenning – Healfdane’s son) Higlac – King of Geatland; Beowulf’s uncle Wiglaf – relative of Beowulf; comes to Beowulf’s aid in battle with dragon
Tonight’s Assignment: Read text pages 33-44 Be prepared to answer this question tomorrow… Why does Beowulf travel all the way to Denmark to battle Grendel?