Beowulf Part II The Defeat of Grendel’s Mother Part II The Defeat of Grendel’s Mother
Grendel’s Mother Attacks! Hrothgar’s valued friend Aeschere taken as man-price for her son Grendel Aeschere’s head disgracefully found as Grendel’s arm was disgracefully displayed Beowulf takes Grendel’s head -- blood corrodes the prized giant’s sword No true victory for mortal or monster Hrothgar’s valued friend Aeschere taken as man-price for her son Grendel Aeschere’s head disgracefully found as Grendel’s arm was disgracefully displayed Beowulf takes Grendel’s head -- blood corrodes the prized giant’s sword No true victory for mortal or monster
What phase of the hero monomyth cycle does Beowulf’s journey into the tarn represent?
The Lair in the Tarn Represents the hero’s journey to the underworld Monsters dwell in the watery swamp of the imagination = id Beowulf emerges with the boons that will restore the community Represents the hero’s journey to the underworld Monsters dwell in the watery swamp of the imagination = id Beowulf emerges with the boons that will restore the community
The Lair in the Tarn Ordered, godly nature is repelled by it = the hart Nature is returned to order by Beowulf’s victory Ordered, godly nature is repelled by it = the hart Nature is returned to order by Beowulf’s victory
According to Papa Joe (aka Joseph Campbell), the hero figure represents more than simply the totality of his physical exploits. What greater ideal does he represent?
The Germanic Warrior Code Beowulf sees revenge as better than mourning The hero’s goal is fame after death The second confrontation is an opportunity for greater glory Beowulf sees revenge as better than mourning The hero’s goal is fame after death The second confrontation is an opportunity for greater glory
Fate and Free Will Beowulf submits to fate yet relies on the tiny amount of free will at his disposal Free will = the courageous man This combination results in lof Beowulf submits to fate yet relies on the tiny amount of free will at his disposal Free will = the courageous man This combination results in lof
Humanization of Beowulf Honors Unferth’s gift of Hrunting Returns Hrunting to its owner Graciously does not mention its uselessness Honors Unferth’s gift of Hrunting Returns Hrunting to its owner Graciously does not mention its uselessness
But I digress....
Hrothgar’s Sermon on Pride Warns Beowulf against pride (hubris) Heremod succumbed to ego and was too proud to share his treasure The downfall of death comes soon enough -- do not hasten it by turning heart against the thanes Warns Beowulf against pride (hubris) Heremod succumbed to ego and was too proud to share his treasure The downfall of death comes soon enough -- do not hasten it by turning heart against the thanes
Group Work: What’s the connection? Sigemund and Fitela (59)/Hrothgar and Heremod (117)? Modthryth and Offa (133)/Frewaru and Ingela (139) The Finn episode (71)/Unferth, Grendel Sigemund and Fitela (59)/Hrothgar and Heremod (117)? Modthryth and Offa (133)/Frewaru and Ingela (139) The Finn episode (71)/Unferth, Grendel
Parallel Actions and Digressions Breca digression Sigemund and Fitela digression (Heremod) Modthryth and Offa digresson/Finn episode Breca digression Sigemund and Fitela digression (Heremod) Modthryth and Offa digresson/Finn episode Beowulf swims in the tarn for hours! Hrothgar’s sermon on pride = Heremod Freawaru’s marriage to Ingeld
Parallel Actions and Digressions Queen Modthryth Beowulf is Hygelac’s nephew Queen Modthryth Beowulf is Hygelac’s nephew Wealhtheow/ Hygd Hrothulf is Hrothgar’s nephew
The Queen A mere type Diplomatic hostess Role of women in Anglo-Saxon society? Prototype for the idealized woman of courtly love? A mere type Diplomatic hostess Role of women in Anglo-Saxon society? Prototype for the idealized woman of courtly love?
After Beowulf defeats Grentdel’s mother, for what phase of the hero monomyth cycle is Beowulf now prepared?
Beowulf’s Parting All debts paid = all valor rewarded Gracious invitation to Hrethric Brotherhood between the Geats and Danes All debts paid = all valor rewarded Gracious invitation to Hrethric Brotherhood between the Geats and Danes
Beowulf’s Past and Future Hrothgar predicts that he will become King of the Geats Beowulf was a weak and unpromising youth Joins a host of other cultural heroes with unremarkable beginnings Hrothgar predicts that he will become King of the Geats Beowulf was a weak and unpromising youth Joins a host of other cultural heroes with unremarkable beginnings
Anglo-Saxon Conventions Courtly manners and customs Engraved swords Woven chain-mail Servants pouring mead Stately, eloquent speeches Comitatus King’s generosity Courtly manners and customs Engraved swords Woven chain-mail Servants pouring mead Stately, eloquent speeches Comitatus King’s generosity
Coming Attractions 3 Weapons Hrunting Giant’s sword Dragon sword Characteristics? Relationship to owner? 3 Weapons Hrunting Giant’s sword Dragon sword Characteristics? Relationship to owner? 3 Monsters Grendel Grendel’s mother Dragon