Beowulf and the Battle. By Lewis Kellett.
I am Beowulf the mighty warrior! The people of Denmark needed my help because there was a fierce ugly monster, who was killing hundreds of people.
So I gathered my men and travelled across the rolling sea to Denmark. The sea was rough. We had to work. Rowing against the tide.
We arrived at Denmark and the coastguard took us to the hall. I met King Rothgar, I told him that I was there to kill his monster. He was pleased. So that night my warriors and I fell to sleep but not for long.
I could hear a noise, I could hear the monster creeping across the moors. Then he arrived. He was ugly and scary. I could smell rotten flesh. We began to fight, I grabbed at his arm and blood began to squirt out as his arm fell to the floor. He ran off in to mountains. I followed
I ran to the mountains and As I got there I came across A dragon. I pulled out my Sword and fought the dragon Till he was dead.
All my men cheered loudly I felt proud and strong. I was now a mighty warrior. The End.