Beowulf vs Grendel
King Hrothgar built a great hall for his men HEROT HALL The soldiers used the hall to celebrate, drink and sing songs!
I HATE HAPPY!!!!!! While the Danes sang and rejoiced, a horrible monster, a descendent of Cain listened in hate at the joyous singing.
One night, while the soldiers were sleeping….. Grendel came in and devoured 30 men. So Started a legend so horrbile and a “ritual” that continued for 12 years!
Herot Hall soon grew abandond
News Travels Fast!
So the Geats set out for Herot.. When they reached the shore……they came in style Beowulf went to king Hrothgar and bragged!!
“Human eyes were watching his evil steps, waiting to see his swift hard claws.” The terrible screams of the almightys enemy sang in the darkness, the horrible shreaks of pain and defeat, the tears torn out of grendels taut throat…”
Swords were no match for Grendel. He had cursed them all!
“..As the bleeding sinews deep in his shoulder snapped, muscle and bone split and broke.” No Dane doubted the victory, for the proof, hanging high from the rafters where Beowulf had hung it, was the monster’s arm, claw and shoulder and all.”