©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll September 16, Does your organization have a written or unwritten policy addressing political activities in the workplace? Example of political activities: devoting any work hours to any campaign for a candidate or political party, showing support for a particular candidate or party n = 433 Note: Respondents who selected “not sure” were excluded from this analysis..
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll September 16, What does your organization’s policy on political activities consist of? n = 148 Prohibition of using company assets in support of any political candidate or party 71% Prohibition of devoting any work hours to any campaign for a candidate or political party 68% Prohibition of political activities on company premises68% Prohibition of using position at company to coerce or pressure any other staff member, vendor or supplier to make contributions to or show support for candidates or political causes 66% Clear definition of political activities (e.g., devoting any work hours to any campaign for a candidate or political party, showing support for a particular candidate or party, etc.) 43% Disciplinary action (including termination) for failure to comply with policy 37% Other13% Note: Percentages does not total 100% as multiple responses were allowed.
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll September 16, Summary of responses to “Other” category with respect to organizations’ policy on political activities Endorsing political candidates on letterhead Harassment because of political views Lobbying of political candidates allowed in some cases with approval from an officer of the company (if deemed beneficial for company) Prohibition against rewarding or discriminating against an applicant or employee because of their political affiliation or political activities
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll September 16, In the past 12 months has your organization disciplined any employee for non-compliance of its political activities policy? n = 149 Note: Respondents who selected “not sure” were excluded from this analysis..
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll September 16, What does your organization do to encourage employees to vote in elections? 2008 (n = 447) 2006 (n = 498) 2004 (n = 452) Nothing42%43%47% We allow employees to take paid-time off to vote31%36%30% We allow employees to take non-paid time off to vote24%21% We provide information to employees on voter registration 10% 8% We provide information to employees on voting locations and times 5%4%3% We provide employees with nonpartisan issue-related information 3%4%3% We have a voter registration drive (e.g., onsite/online registration opportunities) 2%4%5% We provide employees with nonpartisan information about candidates 2%4%5% Other6%4%5% Note: Percentages does not total 100% as multiple responses were allowed.
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll September 16, Methodology Response rate = 16% Sample comprised of 433 randomly selected HR professionals from SHRM’s membership. Margin of error is +/- 5%. Survey fielded the week of September 15, 2008