The Role of the GP in effective care and recovery Dr Linda Harris Clinical Director RCGP Substance Misuse and Associated Health Unit 6 th June 2011
The question posed…… What are recovery-orientated drug and alcohol treatment interventions and what are the competences required to deliver them?
The Challenge GPs and primary healthcare team must be involved in drug treatment system transformation Safe and effective OST prescribing remains a crucial part of the journey – but only a part – generalists, shared care GPs and GPwSIs must not be isolated – missed opportunity Can and should provide critical leadership and governance – detoxification pathways, proactive case management, clustering, clinical audit, CQC
The Challenge (2) Quality vs. volume – role of prescribers in proactive case management Safety vs. freedoms and flexibilities to build “recovery capital” Generalists/shared care/GPwSIs – interrelationships What are we learning from drug related death reviews – LTCs, aging population. health inequity
+ GPs are now commissioners Discuss…….!
The SMU – past and present Training GPs and primary healthcare professionals in the delivery of “effective care” as articulated in national policy and “Clinical Guidelines” (2000 – present day) Widely accepted as THE accredited programme supporting primary care skills escalator in substance misuse RCGP Certificate in Drug Dependency Part 1 - Numbers completed: since 2003 RCGP Certificate in Drug Dependency Part 2 - Numbers completed: 924 RCGP Certificate in Alcohol - Numbers completed: 1196 since Sept 2009
Our training Certificate programmes in the management of drugs misuse (basic and advanced level ), harm reduction, health and well being, alcohol problems in primary care, sexual health and the management of Hep B and C Involving: Cert 1, 2, Secure environment and alcohol leads, Regional and academic leads Substance Misuse Management and co morbidities Public Health, Harm Reduction and well being Involving Sexual health, harm reduction and Hep B and C + new projects underway e.g. gambling
RCGP SMAHU – the future Mission ……promotes the well being and recovery of individuals by improving the knowledge and competence of GPs and other healthcare professionals who deliver treatment for substance misuse, sexual health and associated healthcare within their communities. We want to help meeting the needs of vulnerable people and reduce health inequality. We do this through education and training which is evidence based, quality assured and outcome focussed. Review and refresh of ALL our educational programmes is currently taking place. –Review will include outputs from Recovery Oriented Treatment sub group; training to remain concordant with published guidelines Move to align with wider relationship with Public Health and RCGP strategic priorities – inclusion, diversity
Stakeholder Advisory Group ( meets annually) SMAHU Executive Quality Assurance and Evaluation Annual Clinical Review AGM in December Revised ToR Annual Report Opportunity to influence Clinical Director; Executive members Clinical leads, Project manager Head of Professional Programmes SMAHU – Governance RCGP Professional Development Board