Collaborations in Tobacco and Cancer Research in Ethnic Communities to Eliminate Health Disparities Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, Ph.D., MPH Assistant Professor.


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Presentation transcript:

Collaborations in Tobacco and Cancer Research in Ethnic Communities to Eliminate Health Disparities Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, Ph.D., MPH Assistant Professor in Preventive Medicine Institute for Prevention Research and Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center Keck School of Medicine

Contributions to Interdisciplinary Teaching, Research and Outreach The Community Outreach and Education Core of the Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Center The Community Outreach and Education Core of the Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Center The Cancer Information Services (CIS) The Cancer Information Services (CIS) The Hispanic/Latino Tobacco Education Partnership The Hispanic/Latino Tobacco Education Partnership The Translation/Dissemination Core of the National Cancer Institute’s Tobacco and Health Disparities Network The Translation/Dissemination Core of the National Cancer Institute’s Tobacco and Health Disparities Network Two courses: One on gender and ethnic minority health in the Health Promotion Program and another on International Health in the MPH program Two courses: One on gender and ethnic minority health in the Health Promotion Program and another on International Health in the MPH program Contributions to other departments (Joint Appointment– Sociology; Courtesy Appointment – Annenberg School of Communication) Contributions to other departments (Joint Appointment– Sociology; Courtesy Appointment – Annenberg School of Communication) The Institute for Prevention Research International Agenda to eliminate health disparities (TTURC 2 – Dr. Andy Johnson); TPRC (Dr. Alan Stacy) The Institute for Prevention Research International Agenda to eliminate health disparities (TTURC 2 – Dr. Andy Johnson); TPRC (Dr. Alan Stacy)

Enabling Factors IPR’s establishment of a two-way system of communication that goes back and forth from the community to our research and back to the community IPR’s establishment of a two-way system of communication that goes back and forth from the community to our research and back to the community USC’s presence in the community via its support and participation in over 300 community based projects USC’s presence in the community via its support and participation in over 300 community based projects The Institute for Prevention Research history with community based and participatory research methods A strong research network established between investigators and key players in diverse communities Strong collaborative networks in China with the Centers for Disease Control and other Universities

Challenges Confronting large community needs and competing agendas Confronting large community needs and competing agendas Moving quickly from discovery to development to delivery – the prompt translation of research findings into practice Moving quickly from discovery to development to delivery – the prompt translation of research findings into practice Strengthening a research infrastructure that focuses Strengthening a research infrastructure that focuses –on the elimination of health disparities, –understands varying cultural values –And operates its research within internationally and nationally approved ethical principles Development of faculty and investigators with an interest in priority populations and health disparities Development of faculty and investigators with an interest in priority populations and health disparities

What is being done at IPR Strategic planning to promote research on health disparities with the goal of facilitating and accelerating the use of scientific evidence in decision- making and policy Strategic planning to promote research on health disparities with the goal of facilitating and accelerating the use of scientific evidence in decision- making and policy Utilization of a systematic approach that encourages infrastructure development Utilization of a systematic approach that encourages infrastructure development Maintaining scientific rigor while addressing community needs and priorities nationally and internationally Maintaining scientific rigor while addressing community needs and priorities nationally and internationally

What is being done at IPR Increasing cultural competence in the conduct of research with diverse populations Increasing cultural competence in the conduct of research with diverse populations Helping to bridge the digital and information divide Helping to bridge the digital and information divide Facilitating opportunities for research translation into public health initiatives Facilitating opportunities for research translation into public health initiatives

Thank You! Thank You! Institute for Prevention Research