AMHI – An Introduction 2 One of the ten initiatives of the Open Society’s Public Health Program (PHP) PHP works to strengthen the capacity of organizations and leaders who represent and/or work with marginalized communities to advocate for better health policies and practices and increased government accountability and transparency in health care Collaborative work with other PHP Initiatives and Regional/National Foundations
AMHI - Objectives 3 To promote accountability and inclusion in health policies and practice by building the field of applied budget work and community monitoring, supporting and documenting clearly defined and effective frameworks and methods that foster the participation of marginalized groups (FIELD BUILDING) To develop and strengthen the capacity of advocacy groups to promote health policies and practices grounded in human rights using evidence collected through applied budget work and community monitoring (CAPACITY BUILDING) To promote transparency, openness and participation in health policy processes by fostering access to budgetary and policy information in all stages of the policy cycle, and supporting the informed involvement of communities in holding authorities accountable through monitoring health services To support and engage in advocacy related to international health policy, funding commitments and transparency, using the tools and results of applied budget work and community monitoring.
AMHI – Capacity Building Support to both: Implementing Organizations Capacity Building Organizations More than 65% of our budget Geographical location: Central and Eastern Europe Eastern and Southern Africa
AMHI’s Capacity Building Efforts – Guiding Principles 5 Build on EXISTING vision, mission, values, objectives and strength of organizations NEGOTIATED ENGAGEMENT between partners: a strong, trusting and respectful relationship NEEDS-BASED AND CONTEXT SPECIFIC INSTITUTIONAL strengthening as well INDIVIDUAL STAFF development Development and sustenance of LOCAL TECHNICAL RESOURCES
AMHI’s Capacity Building Efforts – A working Model 6
AMHI’s Capacity Building Process 7 1. Selection of Organizations for Capacity Building Support 2. Capacity Building Needs Identification 3. Capacity Building Intervention and Program Implementation 4. Assessment of Progress 5. Institutional Learning & Documentation Continued Support following reflections
3 Categories of Capacity Building Support 8 Operational Support: Organizations looking to integrate monitoring as part of their strategy Alignment of vision Desire for capacity building Buy-in from leadership Long-term process Flexibility—community needs & contextual constraints Practical materials, learning by doing & peer learning Documentation & lessons to improve practice
3 Categories of Capacity Building Support 9 Support to Capacity Building Organizations: Civil society groups with experience, desire, mandate or interest to build the capacity of others Resources in the countries/regions where we work Experience with monitoring approaches Strategy includes a desire to build capacity Capacity builders need support too! Area of growth for AMHI’s strategy
3 Categories of Capacity Building Support 10 Support for Specific Skill Building: Strengthening organization’s skills in particular areas Focus on the development of very specific skills Examples include: media advocacy, budget analysis, etc.
Capacity Building Methods 11 Consultants for individual support (AMHI-managed or grantee-managed) Individuals and/or organizations provide tailored technical assistance Over a period of time (not one-off) Convenings (i.e.: workshops, meetings, conferences) AMHI-organized, drawing on other OSF colleagues as needed Specific skills trainings organized by IBP, PSAM, etc. Support for organizations to present their monitoring work at conferences or meetings
Capacity Building Methods 12 Direct support from AMHI/Soros National Foundation staff Proposal feedback, advice on project design and monitoring tools, advocacy targets and strategies or evaluating change Sharing resource materials Real-time problem solving (particularly National Foundations) Development of resource materials In collaboration with consultants Support to organizations Exploring others, including Peer-to-peer exchange; customized exchange/field visits
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