IBC233 Lecture 1.


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Presentation transcript:

IBC233 Lecture 1

Signing On (Lab 0) & Lab 1 Were you successful? Any problems ?

Different types of Screens Menu List Command Entry Information Can you easily identify the different kinds of screens that you come across.

OBJECTS LIBRARY -> MOHAMED OBJECT -> QRPGSRC (Source File holds all RPG programs) MEMBERS -> SALESPGM (Single program source) RECORDS -> Single line of code in program

Objects have types or identifiers Library *LIB User Profile *USRPRF Program *PGM File *FILE


System vs Subsystem System = ODIN Subsystem is a logical grouping of resources

Types of Jobs Interactive Batch

User Profile Same name as your User ID Stores your password Points to your Current Library Points to your default output queue Runs your startup programs and menus Points to the object that stores your default library list Lets you know the last time your signed on

CL Syntax Command-name (space) parameter

Commands that do not Require the Entry of Parameters WRKJOB WRKACTJOB WRKSBMJOB

Keyword vs Positional Notation WRKOUTQ OUTQ(PRT01) CRTLIB LIB(MOHAMED) + TEXT(‘Mohameds Library’) Positional WRKOUTQ PRT01 CRTLIB MOHAMED *TEST ‘Mohameds Library’

Naming of Commands Based on English! Combination of Verb and Noun CRTLIB Library Create

Naming of Commands cont’d Typically start with the following verbs: CL Verb English Description CALL Call Executes a program GO Go to Executes a Menu CPY Copy Copies a file CRT Create Creates an object DSP Display Displays something about an object WRK Works With Works with an object

CL Commands cont’d Some typical nouns CL Noun English Description LIB Library Object that holds Objects LIBL Library List List of Libraries for a Job OUTQ Output Queue Object that stores Spool Files JOBQ Job Queue Object that stores Batch Jobs to be processed FD File Desc Description of file F File Object that stores data USRPRF User Profile Object that lists attributes about a Sign On Id

CL Commands cont’d How do I find the exact syntax (including keywords) of a command? Answer: Use AS400 Menus Use AS400 Prompts (F4) by pressing F4 at a Command line by typing command and pressing F4

CL Commands cont’d AS400 Menus Menu Description MAIN Main Menu PROGRAM Programmers Menu MAJOR Sorts Commands CMDCPY Copy Commands CMDDSP Display Commands CMDWRK Work With Commands CMDLIB Library Commands CMDMSG Message Commands CMDOUTQ Output Queue Commands CMDUSRPRF User Profile Commands

How do I find the Keywords to a command? Type the command and press F11

Library Lists Each job has an attached Library List Different Types of Libraries: System: IBM Supplied Product: Added automatically when an IBM product is used Current: Defined by an individual user ID User ID’s default Library User: Non-IBM Supplied Libraries Created by Business to organize programs, files, etc.

Library List cont’d Determine where a Job finds Objects

Library Lists cont’d Don’t rename or delete your current Library! When would you want to rename a Library?

Before the Lab Reread Chapter 2 Print Lab 2

Before Next Class Do the Review Questions for Chapter 2 Read Chapter 3