AgVantage Software’s Most Commonly Used Queries Lab - Part 2 Presented by: Mike Smark AgVantage National Conference 2010 Presented by: Mike Smark AgVantage National Conference 2010
AGENDA More “common” queries discussed How to read and use File Structure Documents Share Queries – discuss central database How to modify to your specific needs
Terminology Libraries, Files, Records and Fields I-Series – Stores information much like a file cabinet Libraries – AgVantage stores your information in a company library named CO*DATA where * is your company letter, number or a symbol. COUDATA COBDATA COSDATA iSeries
Example LibraryCo*data – Data library which contains all AgVantage files FilesU4CSTMR – Customer Master RecordsEach individual customer’s information FieldsCSLKNM – Customer Lookup Name
Query Libraries Recommendations: –Create your own library for queries. CRTLIB command –Use QRY at the end of the name. Ex. “COOP”QRY or SMARKQRY (own server) Most already have “base” Query Library ASP customers (Use company name/abbrev, then your name in description) –Common AgVantage Query Libraries GRNQRYV65 (Version 7 not there yet) SYSQRYV6 (Version 7 not there yet)
File Structures USYSTM AgVantage System Menu Select one of the following: 1. General Ledger GLS or U1 2. Accounts Payable U2 3. Payroll U3 4. Accounts Receivable U4 5. Grain Accounting U5 6. Agronomy U6 7. Energy Management U7 8. Inventory U8 9. Patronage U9 10. Mailing Manager UA 11. Counter Invoicing 12. Investments UI 13. Interfaces 14. Feed Selection or command F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel
Accounts Receivable U4CSTMRCustomer Master U4ITMMRItem Master U4ITMBLItem Master Balance U4DEPTDepartment U4FLCFine Line Code U4TRNHA/R Header Information U4TRNDA/R Detail Information U4CAGEA/R Aging Information
Grain U5CROPSCrop Information U5PCTRLPurchase Control/Contracts U5PLOADPurchase Load Header File U5PLOADJNPurchase Load Header File Joined with Archive U5PSBLDSub-Load Information U5SCTRLSales Control/Contracts U5SETTLHPurchase Settlements Header U5SETTLDPurchase Settlements Detail U5SETTLDJNPurchase Settlements Detail Joined with Archive U5SARLDSales Settlements SPECIAL NOTE: Library GRTRANx contains crop position and general ledger daily posting information
RUNQRY (F4) Used to display the data in the file Used to run a specific query Type choices, press Enter. Query Name, *NONE Library *LIBL Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Query file: File Name, *SAME Library *LIBL Name, *RUNOPT, *LIBL, *CURLIB Member *FIRST Name, *RUNOPT, *FIRST, *LAST + for more values Report output type *RUNOPT *RUNOPT, *DISPLAY... Output form *RUNOPT *RUNOPT, *DETAIL, *SUMMARY Record selection *NO *NO, *YES
WRKQRY Used to create, change, delete, display & run queries Work with Queries Type choices, press Enter. Option =Create, 2=Change, 3=Copy,4=Delete 5=Display, 6=Print definition 8=Run in batch, 9=Run Query Name, F4 for list Library..... SMARKQRY Name, *LIBL, F4 for list Let’s review more Queries !
QUERIES TO SHARE ? VIA AgVantage MESSAGE BOARD (Track updates, User interaction) VIA AgVantage WIKI BOARD (Similar to Message Board) MAINTAIN ON AGVANTAGE SERVER ( Own Library CUSTV65QRY, Need Administrator)