10 May 2001DataGrid WP6 Meeting, CERN1 GRID The GRID Installation Toolkit A brief report F. Donno INFN - Pisa
10 May 2001DataGrid WP6 Meeting, CERN2 GRID INFN has created a Linux binary tarball containing one script to install/configure Globus and some optional packages. Unattended installation. All “known” patches have been included. “Portability”, support for Globus job managers, support for various user environments, support for Testbed 0 CAs, support for multiple GIIS “architectures”, and various HOST/USER DNs. Supported Cas: France, Italy, CERN, UK, Netherland,Portugal. Spain is coming.NO GLOBUS. What has been done
10 May 2001DataGrid WP6 Meeting, CERN3 GRID The new version has been heavily tested inside INFN. Some tests in Spain (Ramon Escriba, Rafa Marco). Test DG working group: Russia V.A. Ilyin MSU Spain Rafa Marco IFCA, Andreu Pacheco IFAE Portugal Jorge Gomes LIP Sweden Oxana Smirnova Lund University France Eric Fede CPPM Czech rep. Jiri Kuhn FZU This will become the supporting group. Deadline end of May ? What has been done
10 May 2001DataGrid WP6 Meeting, CERN4 GRID A first attempt for a repository France took over the task of creating a binary repository for the Testbed0: INFN has proposed a directory structure to take into account versioning and accommodate future distributions for M9 code coming from all WPs. There are many open issues.
10 May 2001DataGrid WP6 Meeting, CERN5 GRID Other activities inside INFN We are in contact with WP4 and took over their requirements for the creation of RPMS. A first attempt: Ssleay-0.9.0b, OpenLDAP globus, Globus (grid-globus i686.rpm) gsincftp-0.3, gsiwuftpd-0.3b1 (grid-gsincftp i386.rpm) gdmp (grid-gdmp i386.rpm) infn-tools-1.0 (grid-infn-tools i386.rpm) A WP4 prototype based on LCFG will be installed in Italy (Bologna & Padova) in June. INFN will integrate as a test grid-globus into the prototype.
10 May 2001DataGrid WP6 Meeting, CERN6 GRID Other activities inside INFN We are asked to distribute more and more packages for the italian testbed and the activities inside INFN. We have found this task very difficult and time-consuming. CVS repositories are spread, different packaging schemes, interlibrary dependencies handled differently (ex.: GDMP, MDS-2, Condor-bypass, WP1 code) Once all packaging issues are solved, a “strong” team makes sure that the main functionalities are in place. Not only WP representatives in the team.
10 May 2001DataGrid WP6 Meeting, CERN7 GRID Other activities inside INFN Members of WP2 in INFN took over the task of creating a packaging schema for GDMP. The GNU Autotools have been used to accomplish this. But many open issues in terms of package structure, package interdependency (Globus, GSIFTP, shared libs), etc. Internal assumptions/solutions. The Autotools have been used to process also RPM specs. WP1 wants to follow the packaging schema proposed by WP2/GDMP.
10 May 2001DataGrid WP6 Meeting, CERN8 GRID Integration process ? WP6 WP12 WPs Coding Rules Code Management Tools/Templates Code Packaging Tools/Templates WP4 Packaging Requirements Integration/Test
10 May 2001DataGrid WP6 Meeting, CERN9 GRID Conclusions A first grid installation kit is ready for test in datagrid. A first binary repository will be available soon. A “strong” release team must be setup and ready to work. The Globus team is waiting for DataGrid input for Globus Packaging alpha-2 release. We urgently need tools. A common point of access for CVS repositories.