ARCH-7: A Class-Based Implementation of the OpenEdge® Reference Architecture John Sadd Fellow and OpenEdge Evangelist Applied Technology
Goals for the session Show practical implications of the OpenEdge Reference Architecture Show how ABL support for classes is useful Discuss some interesting issues and choices
Agenda OERA for SOBA and existing materials Overview of a class-based approach Server-side components Bridging the gap from client to server Using Templates Introducing Managers The Context Helper Class Generating Components from OE Architect Relational data in classes
Common Infrastructure OpenEdge Reference Architecture For Service Oriented Business Applications Design for longevity, flexibility, and competitive advantage Accommodates evolving business requirements Anticipates trends in technology Provides agile and flexible architecture Presentation Enterprise Services Business Components Common Infrastructure Data Access Main Point(s): There are 3 ways Progress enables you to seize the opportunities SOA brings: Architecture, Product, and Standards. 1) In addition to delivering the OpenEdge platform, we are delivering best practices for building competitive business applications. 2) The Reference Architecture is designed to make it easier to develop and sustain competitive advantage. Supporting Points: The OpenEdge Reference Architecture (OERA) was designed as our view of the appropriate architecture for Service Oriented Business Applications (SOBA). As such, it is tuned to both the requirements of SOA and the capabilities of OpenEdge. OERA, presented in summary here, is designed to make it easier to introduce both technical and functional advances into an existing application as needed and as available. Like most software architectures, OERA is designed as a theoretical blueprint. It is possible to use OpenEdge 10 to write software that adheres 100% to the principles demonstrated in the architecture. Each partner, however, will need to decide which aspects of the architecture to use, and which to ignore. OERA doesn’t require complete “purity”: It is possible to achieve the desired results without some elements of the architecture, and it is possible to mix-and-match this approach with legacy code and/or more traditional architectures. Sample Script: The features that we delivered in OpenEdge 10 go a long way on delivering on the vision of making OpenEdge a service-oriented development platform, but we still have plenty to do. We have a long-range vision of a complete OpenEdge application development and deployment platform built around the core concepts of service oriented business applications. These ideas all build on the current and traditional strengths of OpenEdge. We already have a great language and great platform for building business applications, but there is more we need to do. So if we‘re going to work together on the development of service-oriented business applications then we need to agree on what they look like. The OpenEdge Reference Architecture is our model for how to build service-oriented business applications. It’s not business domain specific or technology specific. Rather its our model for how to build a competitive, agile, service-oriented business application. If you look behind the scenes at any business application that has remained highly competitive over a long period of time and you will find three distinct characteristics: 1) Continuing attention to the distinct needs of the industry served by the application, 2) it is constantly upgraded to include new features, technology, and functionality, and 3) a strong application architecture that makes it much easier to evolve and enhance then application, keeping it fresh and ahead of the competition. That’s the idea behind the OpenEdge Reference Architecture. We want to provide the best practices of business application construction to our entire partner base. We worked with dozens of partners and industry experts to pull together an architectural vision designed to help our partners get the most out of our platform and their applications. It is a model that provides a clean separation between the presentation layer and the business servicing layer so that multiple user interfaces can be used and so that same business serving layer can be access via various integration technologies. Next is the business servicing layer, which provides a best practices approach to how business logic should be structured. We have a specific model for how business logic should be structured so that the application is easier to enhance. Lastly, there is the data access layer. This is where Prodatasets really come in as a very powerful tool. Using Prodatasets you can isolate the core of your business logic from the physical layout of your datasource, thus making the application easier to build because it is based on the layout of the dataset and not the data source. Now, the thing to keep in mind is that the reference architecture is not an product. You can’t order it on our price list. But you definitely can benefit from it. We’re working every day with partners that are applying all or parts of this architecture. We’ll be rolling out classes, seminars, white papers, and templates for implementing the OpenEdge Reference architecture all through 2005. Details: Clearly articulate the Value Proposition of the underlying capabilities Balance competing forces eg user demands vs technical cost, flexibility vs performance, first vs best, art vs craft Roadmap paths that incorporate Industry Trends, Business and Technical aspirations Capturing and evolving Valuable Intellectual Property ($) Design Objectives, Principals, Assumptions, Alternatives and Decisions System Capabilities, Use, Limits Essential Artifacts eg Specifications, Practices, Terms Value Proposition (architectures marketable capabilities) Reducing complexity, optimizing resources and improving quality through a system of Models eg SOA, MDA, MVC Patterns eg Façade, Active Record, Standards eg Methods and Techniques eg RUP, Incorporate proven and applicable industry standards, models and methods ETC Data Sources
Basic Architecture Principles Avoid duplicated code! “ABL is a great language – we want you to write less of it.” Do every job once and only once. Outlaw Copy-Paste-Edit! Factor! Factor! Factor! Don’t hardwire things that are liable to change! That’s what the OERA layers are there for…
Implementing the OpenEdge Reference Architecture on PSDN
For example: Business Entities using Procedures Server BE procs Business Entity beOrder.p Super Procedure beSupport.p SUPER beEntity.i RUN daOrder.p PROC fetchWhere: … dsOrder.i {etOrder.i} {etOrderLine.i} {etItem.i} DEFINE DATASET… Template procedures Include files Super procedures RUN VALUE (…) Data Access Object beOrderValidate.p (optional) eOrderLineModifyPreTrans: SUPER
Agenda OERA for SOBA and existing materials Overview of a class-based approach Server-side components Bridging the gap from client to server Using Templates Introducing Managers The Context Helper Class Generating Components from OE Architect Relational data in classes
Basic principles of using classes in ABL Strong typing Compiler knows exactly what everything is Compiler cross-checks classes Much more robust error checking at compile time Inheritance of common behavior Definitional, not done at runtime Compiler checking of validity Always invoke the most-derived version
Overview of server-side classes
Top-level class componentbase.cls CLASS base.componentbase IMPLEMENTS interfaces.iComponent: /* Base class for all objects. Locates the service manager, which it expects some startup routine to have created. */ DEFINE PROTECTED PROPERTY servicemgr AS service.servicemgr NO-UNDO GET. PRIVATE SET. CONSTRUCTOR PROTECTED componentbase(): DEFINE VARIABLE sessionObject AS progress.lang.object. sessionObject = SESSION:FIRST-OBJECT. DO WHILE VALID-OBJECT(sessionObject) AND sessionObject:GetClass():TypeName <> 'service.servicemgr': sessionObject = sessionObject:NEXT-SIBLING. END. IF NOT VALID-OBJECT(sessionObject) THEN FatalError( "Session management service not found!"). ELSE servicemgr = CAST (sessionObject, service.servicemgr). END CONSTRUCTOR. METHOD PUBLIC VOID FatalError (pcMessage AS CHAR): MESSAGE "Fatal error!" SKIP pcMessage VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX ERROR.
The CLASS statement The CLASS statement identifies the class by name and by package to the compiler If it INHERITS another class this is named If it IMPLEMENTS an interface this is named CLASS base.componentbase IMPLEMENTS interfaces.iComponent: INTERFACE interfaces.icomponent: METHOD PUBLIC VOID initializeComponent(). METHOD PUBLIC VOID destroyComponent(). END INTERFACE.
Data members and properties Data members in a class can be PUBLIC, PROTECTED, or PRIVATE The data type can be a class type For added control you can define data as properties GET phrase controls read access and behavior SET phrase controls write access and behavior DEFINE PROTECTED PROPERTY servicemgr AS service.servicemgr NO-UNDO GET. PRIVATE SET.
Constructors and destructors in classes The CONSTRUCTOR represents the “main block” code It can have parameters but no return type It can be inherited and overridden CONSTRUCTOR PROTECTED componentbase(): … END CONSTRUCTOR The DESTRUCTOR represents the code to execute when the object is deleted It has no parameters and no return type It is reliably invoked unless the whole session ends unexpectedly
The object hierarchy CONSTRUCTOR code locates the service manager sessionObject progress.lang.object CONSTRUCTOR code locates the service manager CAST servicemgr service.servicemgr DEFINE VARIABLE sessionObject AS progress.lang.object. sessionObject = SESSION:FIRST-OBJECT. DO WHILE VALID-OBJECT(sessionObject) AND sessionObject:GetClass():TypeName <> 'service.servicemgr': sessionObject = sessionObject:NEXT-SIBLING. END. IF NOT VALID-OBJECT(sessionObject) THEN FatalError( "Session management service not found!"). ELSE servicemgr = CAST (sessionObject, service.servicemgr). DEFINE PROTECTED PROPERTY servicemgr AS service.servicemgr NO-UNDO GET. PRIVATE SET.
Methods in classes Methods take the place of internal procedures and functions They define parameters and a return type like functions do VOID means there’s no return type Like data members, they are PUBLIC, PROTECTED, or PRIVATE METHOD PUBLIC VOID FatalError (pcMessage AS CHAR): MESSAGE "Fatal error!" SKIP pcMessage VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX ERROR. END.
Agenda OERA for SOBA and existing materials Overview of a class-based approach Server-side components Bridging the gap from client to server Using Templates Introducing Managers The Context Helper Class Generating Components from OE Architect Relational data in classes
Business Entities and Data Access Objects
Business Component classes CLASS base.businesscomponent INHERITS base.componentbase: CLASS base.businessentity INHERITS base.businesscomponent IMPLEMENTS interfaces.ibusinessentity: DEFINE PROTECTED VARIABLE dataAccess AS base.dataaccessobject. METHOD fetchData(): dataAccess:loadData(). CLASS samples.beCustomer INHERITS base.businessentity: {samples/dsCustomer.i} CONSTRUCTOR PUBLIC beCustomer (): dataAccess = CAST (servicemgr:startService (‘samples.daCustomer',"da"), samples.daCustomer). END CONSTRUCTOR. METHOD PUBLIC OVERRIDE VOID validateData(): SUPER:validateData(). validateCustomer(INPUT-OUTPUT DATASET-HANDLE hdsDataset BY-REFERENCE). END METHOD. METHOD PRIVATE VOID validateCustomer(INPUT-OUTPUT DATASET dsCustomer): …
CLASS base.dataaccess INHERITS base.componentbase: Data Access classes CLASS base.dataaccess INHERITS base.componentbase: CLASS base.dataaccessobject INHERITS base.dataaccess IMPLEMENTS interfaces.idataaccess: … METHOD PUBLIC VOID loadData(): hdsDataset:EMPTY-DATASET(). setFillMode('MERGE':U). attachDatasource(). fillDataset(). detachDatasource(). END METHOD. CLASS samples.daCustomer INHERITS base.dataaccessobject: {samples/dsCustomer.i &REFERENCE-ONLY=REFERENCE-ONLY} METHOD PUBLIC OVERRIDE VOID attachDatasource(): bufferDatasource('ttCustomer', 'Customer', 'CustNum', '', 'FOR EACH Customer'). END METHOD.
Agenda OERA for SOBA and existing materials Overview of a class-based approach Server-side components Bridging the gap from client to server Using Templates Introducing Managers The Context Helper Class Generating Components from OE Architect Relational data in classes
Common Infrastructure OpenEdge Reference Architecture: How do you invoke a Business Component? Client session Presentation Enterprise Services AppServer™ session Business Components Common Infrastructure Data Access Main Point(s): There are 3 ways Progress enables you to seize the opportunities SOA brings: Architecture, Product, and Standards. 1) In addition to delivering the OpenEdge platform, we are delivering best practices for building competitive business applications. 2) The Reference Architecture is designed to make it easier to develop and sustain competitive advantage. Supporting Points: The OpenEdge Reference Architecture (OERA) was designed as our view of the appropriate architecture for Service Oriented Business Applications (SOBA). As such, it is tuned to both the requirements of SOA and the capabilities of OpenEdge. OERA, presented in summary here, is designed to make it easier to introduce both technical and functional advances into an existing application as needed and as available. Like most software architectures, OERA is designed as a theoretical blueprint. It is possible to use OpenEdge 10 to write software that adheres 100% to the principles demonstrated in the architecture. Each partner, however, will need to decide which aspects of the architecture to use, and which to ignore. OERA doesn’t require complete “purity”: It is possible to achieve the desired results without some elements of the architecture, and it is possible to mix-and-match this approach with legacy code and/or more traditional architectures. Sample Script: The features that we delivered in OpenEdge 10 go a long way on delivering on the vision of making OpenEdge a service-oriented development platform, but we still have plenty to do. We have a long-range vision of a complete OpenEdge application development and deployment platform built around the core concepts of service oriented business applications. These ideas all build on the current and traditional strengths of OpenEdge. We already have a great language and great platform for building business applications, but there is more we need to do. So if we‘re going to work together on the development of service-oriented business applications then we need to agree on what they look like. The OpenEdge Reference Architecture is our model for how to build service-oriented business applications. It’s not business domain specific or technology specific. Rather its our model for how to build a competitive, agile, service-oriented business application. If you look behind the scenes at any business application that has remained highly competitive over a long period of time and you will find three distinct characteristics: 1) Continuing attention to the distinct needs of the industry served by the application, 2) it is constantly upgraded to include new features, technology, and functionality, and 3) a strong application architecture that makes it much easier to evolve and enhance then application, keeping it fresh and ahead of the competition. That’s the idea behind the OpenEdge Reference Architecture. We want to provide the best practices of business application construction to our entire partner base. We worked with dozens of partners and industry experts to pull together an architectural vision designed to help our partners get the most out of our platform and their applications. It is a model that provides a clean separation between the presentation layer and the business servicing layer so that multiple user interfaces can be used and so that same business serving layer can be access via various integration technologies. Next is the business servicing layer, which provides a best practices approach to how business logic should be structured. We have a specific model for how business logic should be structured so that the application is easier to enhance. Lastly, there is the data access layer. This is where Prodatasets really come in as a very powerful tool. Using Prodatasets you can isolate the core of your business logic from the physical layout of your datasource, thus making the application easier to build because it is based on the layout of the dataset and not the data source. Now, the thing to keep in mind is that the reference architecture is not an product. You can’t order it on our price list. But you definitely can benefit from it. We’re working every day with partners that are applying all or parts of this architecture. We’ll be rolling out classes, seminars, white papers, and templates for implementing the OpenEdge Reference architecture all through 2005. Details: Clearly articulate the Value Proposition of the underlying capabilities Balance competing forces eg user demands vs technical cost, flexibility vs performance, first vs best, art vs craft Roadmap paths that incorporate Industry Trends, Business and Technical aspirations Capturing and evolving Valuable Intellectual Property ($) Design Objectives, Principals, Assumptions, Alternatives and Decisions System Capabilities, Use, Limits Essential Artifacts eg Specifications, Practices, Terms Value Proposition (architectures marketable capabilities) Reducing complexity, optimizing resources and improving quality through a system of Models eg SOA, MDA, MVC Patterns eg Façade, Active Record, Standards eg Methods and Techniques eg RUP, Incorporate proven and applicable industry standards, models and methods ETC Data Sources
Principles for making calls to the AppServer You can run a procedure on an AppServer You can run an internal procedure, but only by binding the AppServer session first Binding the AppServer is not a good idea This also requires multiple calls to complete a single request You want the AppServer to be stateless You cannot instantiate a class on the AppServer You don’t want clients directly calling Business Component classes anyway! So: Define a procedure on the server to handle a specific request for a specific Business Component type
The Service Adapter and Service Interface Presentation Client session Enterprise Services Service Adapter AppServer session Service Interface Business Components Common Infrastructure Data Access Main Point(s): There are 3 ways Progress enables you to seize the opportunities SOA brings: Architecture, Product, and Standards. 1) In addition to delivering the OpenEdge platform, we are delivering best practices for building competitive business applications. 2) The Reference Architecture is designed to make it easier to develop and sustain competitive advantage. Supporting Points: The OpenEdge Reference Architecture (OERA) was designed as our view of the appropriate architecture for Service Oriented Business Applications (SOBA). As such, it is tuned to both the requirements of SOA and the capabilities of OpenEdge. OERA, presented in summary here, is designed to make it easier to introduce both technical and functional advances into an existing application as needed and as available. Like most software architectures, OERA is designed as a theoretical blueprint. It is possible to use OpenEdge 10 to write software that adheres 100% to the principles demonstrated in the architecture. Each partner, however, will need to decide which aspects of the architecture to use, and which to ignore. OERA doesn’t require complete “purity”: It is possible to achieve the desired results without some elements of the architecture, and it is possible to mix-and-match this approach with legacy code and/or more traditional architectures. Sample Script: The features that we delivered in OpenEdge 10 go a long way on delivering on the vision of making OpenEdge a service-oriented development platform, but we still have plenty to do. We have a long-range vision of a complete OpenEdge application development and deployment platform built around the core concepts of service oriented business applications. These ideas all build on the current and traditional strengths of OpenEdge. We already have a great language and great platform for building business applications, but there is more we need to do. So if we‘re going to work together on the development of service-oriented business applications then we need to agree on what they look like. The OpenEdge Reference Architecture is our model for how to build service-oriented business applications. It’s not business domain specific or technology specific. Rather its our model for how to build a competitive, agile, service-oriented business application. If you look behind the scenes at any business application that has remained highly competitive over a long period of time and you will find three distinct characteristics: 1) Continuing attention to the distinct needs of the industry served by the application, 2) it is constantly upgraded to include new features, technology, and functionality, and 3) a strong application architecture that makes it much easier to evolve and enhance then application, keeping it fresh and ahead of the competition. That’s the idea behind the OpenEdge Reference Architecture. We want to provide the best practices of business application construction to our entire partner base. We worked with dozens of partners and industry experts to pull together an architectural vision designed to help our partners get the most out of our platform and their applications. It is a model that provides a clean separation between the presentation layer and the business servicing layer so that multiple user interfaces can be used and so that same business serving layer can be access via various integration technologies. Next is the business servicing layer, which provides a best practices approach to how business logic should be structured. We have a specific model for how business logic should be structured so that the application is easier to enhance. Lastly, there is the data access layer. This is where Prodatasets really come in as a very powerful tool. Using Prodatasets you can isolate the core of your business logic from the physical layout of your datasource, thus making the application easier to build because it is based on the layout of the dataset and not the data source. Now, the thing to keep in mind is that the reference architecture is not an product. You can’t order it on our price list. But you definitely can benefit from it. We’re working every day with partners that are applying all or parts of this architecture. We’ll be rolling out classes, seminars, white papers, and templates for implementing the OpenEdge Reference architecture all through 2005. Details: Clearly articulate the Value Proposition of the underlying capabilities Balance competing forces eg user demands vs technical cost, flexibility vs performance, first vs best, art vs craft Roadmap paths that incorporate Industry Trends, Business and Technical aspirations Capturing and evolving Valuable Intellectual Property ($) Design Objectives, Principals, Assumptions, Alternatives and Decisions System Capabilities, Use, Limits Essential Artifacts eg Specifications, Practices, Terms Value Proposition (architectures marketable capabilities) Reducing complexity, optimizing resources and improving quality through a system of Models eg SOA, MDA, MVC Patterns eg Façade, Active Record, Standards eg Methods and Techniques eg RUP, Incorporate proven and applicable industry standards, models and methods ETC Data Sources
The Service Adapter
The role of the Service Adapter You don’t want client objects knowing the details about Business Components Where they’re located Exactly what their APIs are How to route a request to them The Service Adapter provides a key layer of indirection and discovery
The role of the Service Interface Defines a point of entry for each accessible method in each Business Component Static parameters for those methods so they are self-describing Common services invoked consistently and automatically Authentication, security, context… So you want client Service Adapters calling Service Interface procedures!
The Service Adapter class on the client CLASS pres.serviceadapter INHERITS base.componentbase: CONSTRUCTOR PUBLIC serviceadapter(): hAppServer = IF VALID-HANDLE(SESSION:FIRST-SERVER) THEN SESSION:FIRST-SERVER ELSE SESSION:HANDLE. END CONSTRUCTOR. METHOD PUBLIC VOID fetchData (OUTPUT DATASET-HANDLE dsDataset): RUN VALUE(getSIPath() + "_fetchdata.p") ON hAppServer (OUTPUT DATASET-HANDLE dsDataset). END METHOD. METHOD PROTECTED CHARACTER getSIPath (): RETURN ?. END CLASS. CLASS samples.pres.saCustomer INHERITS pres.serviceadapter: METHOD PROTECTED OVERRIDE CHARACTER getSIPath(): RETURN “samples/api/beCustomer". END METHOD. END CLASS.
The Service Interface procedure on the server /* becustomer_fetchdata.p */ &SCOPED-DEFINE PACKAGE-NAME samples &SCOPED-DEFINE COMPONENT-NAME customer &SCOPED-DEFINE METHOD-NAME fetchData &SCOPED-DEFINE PARAM-LIST {templates/fetchdata_params.i} &SCOPED-DEFINE PREFIX-NAME be &SCOPED-DEFINE DATASET-MODE OUTPUT {templates/apicode.i} servicemgr:sessionContextService:setContextId(pcContextId). authenticationService = servicemgr:authenticationService. authenticationService:loadPrincipal(). {&PREFIX-NAME}{&COMPONENT-NAME} = CAST (servicemgr:startService ('{&PACKAGE-NAME}.{&PREFIX-NAME}{&COMPONENT-NAME}', "{&PREFIX-NAME}"), {&PACKAGE-NAME}.{&PREFIX-NAME}{&COMPONENT-NAME}). {&PREFIX-NAME}{&COMPONENT-NAME}:{&METHOD-NAME}({&PARAM-LIST}).
Agenda OERA for SOBA and existing materials Overview of a class-based approach Server-side components Bridging the gap from client to server Using Templates Introducing Managers The Context Helper Class Generating Components from OE Architect Relational data in classes
Repeatable elements in an application Service Adapter class Service Interface procedure Business Entity class Data Access Object class Data Source Object class
Business Entity class template /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- File : be<entity-name>.cls Purpose : Generated from the template for Business Entity classes Description : Sample Business Entity for <entity-name> Edited : April 2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CLASS <package-name>.be<entity-name> INHERITS base.businessentity: {<package-name>/ds<entity-name>.i &REFERENCE-ONLY=REFERENCE-ONLY} CONSTRUCTOR PUBLIC be<entity-name>(): dataAccess = CAST (servicemgr:startService (‘<package-name>.da<entity-name>', "da"), <package-name>.da<entity-name> ). END CONSTRUCTOR. … END CLASS.
List of preprocessors and other values PACKAGE-NAME ENTITY-NAME (or COMPONENT-NAME) PREFIX-NAME (e.g., ‘be’) For Data-Sources: Temp-table name Database table list (Optional) database key field list Field mapping between physical and logical Base DB query (‘FOR EACH <table-name>’)
Business Entity with the blanks filled in /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- File : beCustOrder.cls Purpose : Generated from the template for Business Entity classes Description : Sample Business Entity for CustOrder Edited : 04/04/07 ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CLASS Sports2000.CustOrder.beCustOrder INHERITS base.businessentity: {Sports2000.CustOrder/dsCustOrder.i &REFERENCE-ONLY=REFERENCE-ONLY} CONSTRUCTOR PUBLIC beCustOrder(): dataAccess = CAST (servicemgr:startService ('Sports2000.CustOrder.daCustOrder',"da"), Sports2000.CustOrder.daCustOrder). END CONSTRUCTOR. … END CLASS.
Agenda OERA for SOBA and existing materials Overview of a class-based approach Server-side components Bridging the gap from client to server Using Templates Introducing Managers The Context Helper Class Generating Components from OE Architect Relational data in classes
OpenEdge Reference Architecture Common Infrastructure Core Services Auditing… ABL Managers Authorization Context Management Presentation Enterprise Services Business Components Common Infrastructure Data Access Main Point(s): There are 3 ways Progress enables you to seize the opportunities SOA brings: Architecture, Product, and Standards. 1) In addition to delivering the OpenEdge platform, we are delivering best practices for building competitive business applications. 2) The Reference Architecture is designed to make it easier to develop and sustain competitive advantage. Supporting Points: The OpenEdge Reference Architecture (OERA) was designed as our view of the appropriate architecture for Service Oriented Business Applications (SOBA). As such, it is tuned to both the requirements of SOA and the capabilities of OpenEdge. OERA, presented in summary here, is designed to make it easier to introduce both technical and functional advances into an existing application as needed and as available. Like most software architectures, OERA is designed as a theoretical blueprint. It is possible to use OpenEdge 10 to write software that adheres 100% to the principles demonstrated in the architecture. Each partner, however, will need to decide which aspects of the architecture to use, and which to ignore. OERA doesn’t require complete “purity”: It is possible to achieve the desired results without some elements of the architecture, and it is possible to mix-and-match this approach with legacy code and/or more traditional architectures. Sample Script: The features that we delivered in OpenEdge 10 go a long way on delivering on the vision of making OpenEdge a service-oriented development platform, but we still have plenty to do. We have a long-range vision of a complete OpenEdge application development and deployment platform built around the core concepts of service oriented business applications. These ideas all build on the current and traditional strengths of OpenEdge. We already have a great language and great platform for building business applications, but there is more we need to do. So if we‘re going to work together on the development of service-oriented business applications then we need to agree on what they look like. The OpenEdge Reference Architecture is our model for how to build service-oriented business applications. It’s not business domain specific or technology specific. Rather its our model for how to build a competitive, agile, service-oriented business application. If you look behind the scenes at any business application that has remained highly competitive over a long period of time and you will find three distinct characteristics: 1) Continuing attention to the distinct needs of the industry served by the application, 2) it is constantly upgraded to include new features, technology, and functionality, and 3) a strong application architecture that makes it much easier to evolve and enhance then application, keeping it fresh and ahead of the competition. That’s the idea behind the OpenEdge Reference Architecture. We want to provide the best practices of business application construction to our entire partner base. We worked with dozens of partners and industry experts to pull together an architectural vision designed to help our partners get the most out of our platform and their applications. It is a model that provides a clean separation between the presentation layer and the business servicing layer so that multiple user interfaces can be used and so that same business serving layer can be access via various integration technologies. Next is the business servicing layer, which provides a best practices approach to how business logic should be structured. We have a specific model for how business logic should be structured so that the application is easier to enhance. Lastly, there is the data access layer. This is where Prodatasets really come in as a very powerful tool. Using Prodatasets you can isolate the core of your business logic from the physical layout of your datasource, thus making the application easier to build because it is based on the layout of the dataset and not the data source. Now, the thing to keep in mind is that the reference architecture is not an product. You can’t order it on our price list. But you definitely can benefit from it. We’re working every day with partners that are applying all or parts of this architecture. We’ll be rolling out classes, seminars, white papers, and templates for implementing the OpenEdge Reference architecture all through 2005. Details: Clearly articulate the Value Proposition of the underlying capabilities Balance competing forces eg user demands vs technical cost, flexibility vs performance, first vs best, art vs craft Roadmap paths that incorporate Industry Trends, Business and Technical aspirations Capturing and evolving Valuable Intellectual Property ($) Design Objectives, Principals, Assumptions, Alternatives and Decisions System Capabilities, Use, Limits Essential Artifacts eg Specifications, Practices, Terms Value Proposition (architectures marketable capabilities) Reducing complexity, optimizing resources and improving quality through a system of Models eg SOA, MDA, MVC Patterns eg Façade, Active Record, Standards eg Methods and Techniques eg RUP, Incorporate proven and applicable industry standards, models and methods ETC Data Sources
The Service Manager
The role of the Service Manager CLASS service.servicemgr INHERITS base.manager IMPLEMENTS interfaces.iservicemgr, interfaces.icomponent: DEFINE TEMP-TABLE ttSessionComponent NO-UNDO FIELD ComponentName AS CHARACTER FIELD ComponentType AS CHARACTER FIELD ComponentRef AS progress.lang.object FIELD SINGLETON AS LOGICAL. … METHOD PUBLIC progress.lang.object startService (pcComponentName AS CHARACTER, pcComponentType AS CHARACTER): FIND FIRST ttSessionComponent WHERE ttSessionComponent.ComponentName = pcComponentName AND ttSessionComponent.ComponentType = pcComponentType NO-LOCK NO-ERROR. IF NOT AVAILABLE ttSessionComponent OR NOT ttSessionComponent.SINGLETON THEN RUN VALUE(cPackage + '/factory.p') (cClass, OUTPUT oObject, OUTPUT lSingleton NO-ERROR. RETURN (IF AVAILABLE ttSessionComponent THEN ttSessionComponent.ComponentRef ELSE ?). END METHOD. END CLASS.
Invoking Business Component Instances Service Adapter class Service Interface procedure Service Manager Business Component class
The role of the factory You can’t create a class instance dynamically the way you can with RUN VALUE(…) The compiler insists on knowing what’s going on! The factory has a case for each possible object to create Organized by package and object type /* samples/factory.p */ DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER pcObject AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE OUTPUT PARAMETER objInstance AS progress.lang.object NO-UNDO. DEFINE OUTPUT PARAMETER plSingleton AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO. CASE pcObject: WHEN 'becustomer' THEN DO: objInstance = NEW samples.becustomer(). plSingleton = YES. END. WHEN 'dacustomer' THEN DO: objInstance = NEW samples.dacustomer(). END CASE.
Using a factory procedure Service Adapter class Service Interface procedure Service Manager Factory procedure Business Component class
Alert! Planned (but of course not official) for 10.1C: Service Adapter class Service Interface procedure Service Manager DYNAMIC-NEW language extension will allow the Service Manager to instantiate classes directly using an expression for the class name. Business Component class
Agenda OERA for SOBA and existing materials Overview of a class-based approach Server-side components Bridging the gap from client to server Using Templates Introducing Managers The Context Helper Class Generating Components from OE Architect Relational data in classes
Types of Context and State Information Global context Application service context Client connection context These types can be persisted by a context manager Client request context This is transient information Does not need to be stored persistently
The context helper class A complete implementation will have a context manager as Common Infrastructure This can persist context for a session, for a user, for the entire application This implementation uses a context helper class to manage transient state information This information is passed between client and server as a context ProDataSet
ABL programming issues for the context class The context class manages a ProDataSet instance and supporting methods But you can’t pass an object (class instance) to the AppServer, only data Therefore you have to extract the data and pass it to another object on the other side
Context helper class flow 1 Client Service Requester cltdatacontext.cls Create client context instance Populate data Extract data Pass DataSet to Service Adapter Pass to Service Interface Create server context instance Bind context to DataSet passed from client 2 DATASET dsContext setContext 4 3 Service Adapter 5 6 srvdatacontext.cls Service Interface DATASET-HANDLE from client DATASET dsContext REF-ONLY 7
Agenda OERA for SOBA and existing materials Overview of a class-based approach Server-side components Bridging the gap from client to server Using Templates Introducing Managers The Context Helper Class Generating Components from OE Architect Relational data in classes
Using the DataSet builder to generate data for a custom tool to use
Getting database data instead of an XMI file
Extending the OE Architect Menus
Generating Component source files
Code generation sample: the template /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- File : be<entity-name>.cls Purpose : Generated from the template for Business Entity classes Description : Sample Business Entity for <entity-name> Edited : April 2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CLASS <package-name>.be<entity-name> INHERITS base.businessentity: {<package-name>/ds<entity-name>.i &REFERENCE-ONLY=REFERENCE-ONLY} CONSTRUCTOR PUBLIC be<entity-name>(): dataAccess = CAST (servicemgr:startService (‘<package-name>.da<entity-name>', "da"), <package-name>.da<entity-name> ). END CONSTRUCTOR. … END CLASS.
Code generation sample – the result /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- File : beCustOrder.cls Purpose : Generated from the template for Business Entity classes Description : Sample Business Entity for CustOrder Edited : 04/04/07 ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CLASS Sports2000.CustOrder.beCustOrder INHERITS base.businessentity: {Sports2000.CustOrder/dsCustOrder.i &REFERENCE-ONLY=REFERENCE-ONLY} CONSTRUCTOR PUBLIC beCustOrder(): dataAccess = CAST (servicemgr:startService ('Sports2000.CustOrder.daCustOrder',"da"), Sports2000.CustOrder.daCustOrder). END CONSTRUCTOR. … END CLASS.
A live look at generating components from templates using OpenEdge Architect Tools for Business Logic
Agenda OERA for SOBA and existing materials Overview of a class-based approach Server-side components Bridging the gap from client to server Using Templates Introducing Managers The Context Helper Class Generating Components from OE Architect Relational data in classes
Relational data in a class-based application OpenEdge provides comprehensive support for relational data: OpenEdge RDBMS and DataServers Flexible language for managing sets of data Temp-tables and ProDataSets Support for classes in ABL provides key object-oriented language features: Strong typing of data and class references Definitional inheritance Properties PUBLIC, PROTECTED, and PRIVATE access modes
Data objects in an ABL application? ABL does not specifically support true objects as data representations No collections Relational joins between related data elements Cannot pass an object as a parameter between sessions But – mapping relational physical data to objects and back is avoidable overhead Conclusion: ABL supports the best – most practical – benefits of both worlds
In Summary The layers of the OpenEdge Reference Architecture provide valuable structure that you can fill in without excessive effort Using templates for standard component types Using general-purpose supporting code Classes in ABL can help you define your structure and assure its integrity Resolve design issues in ways appropriate to your needs
For More Information, go to… PSDN – OE Principles Other Exchange sessions ARCH-11: Building a Presentation Layer with Classes ARCH-5: Modeling with UML ARCH-12: Design Patterns ARCH-2: OERA Latest Thinking DEV-12: Object-Oriented Programming in ABL
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