your name here SPA: Successes, Status, and Future Directions Terence Critchlow And many, many, others Scientific Process Automation PNNL
your name here Successes Actors Ssh Provenance recorder Generic actors File transfer Dashboard Movie generation Graphing Visualization Publications Tutorials SC 2006, 2007, 2008 …. SciDAC 2008 Founding members of the Kepler consortium
your name here Successes: Application Workflows Promoter Identification Workflow (2003-) Matt Coleman Genomics Low-dose cancer research
your name here Successes: Application Workflows TSI-1 workflow Doug Swesty Astrophysics Supernova simulations Images courtesy of Doug Swesty
your name here Successes: Application Workflows SALSSA Workflow Schiebe (Schuchardt) Groundwater Water flow through multi-scale substances Images courtesy of Karen Schuchardt
your name here Successes: Application Workflows CPES Workflow C.S. Chang (Klasky) Fusion Plasma edge simulation Images courtesy of Scott Klasky
your name here Ongoing thrusts: Dashboard User friendly interface for workflow monitoring Displays information from executing worflows in real time Linkage to provenance Improved visualization / interactive capabilities Portable dashboard Images courtesy of Roselyne Barreto
your name here Ongoing thrusts: Provenance Keeping track of where information came from Data stored in a database Collecting information from outside Kepler Query interface / capability Managing data volume
your name here Ongoing thrusts: Application Workflows S3D Jackie Chen Combustion Flame propagation Chimera Tony Mezzacappa Astrophysics GTC Fusion Particle simulations of ITER Images courtesy of Tony Mezzacappa Images courtesy of Jackie Chen Images courtesy of Scott Klasky
your name here Future directions: Dashboard Control over workflows Hardening code Multiple deployments
your name here Future directions: Templates New direction, replacing provenance effort starting in Q2 FY09 Customizable workflow descriptions Allow users more control over details of workflow definition Bridge gap between scientists and workflow developers
your name here Future directions: Distribution Package code for open source distribution Harden code Deposit actors and templates into Kepler repository Document code and actors User manuals Implementation documentation Disseminate tutorials Video?
your name here Conclusions Many successes so far Established open source community around Kepler Deployed multiple workflows across a variety of scientific domains Deployments have required extensive interaction between SPA team and external customers Working on models that provide scientists more control Dashboard Templates Goal is to enable scientists to customize workflows without direct involvement from a workflow developer