Social Networking
1 st Reading: SWBAT decide whether Social Networking has altered communication by deciphering “Language” and the “Big Idea”.
Quickwrite (7 minutes) In what ways are social media like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter transforming our lives? Are these new forms of instant social connections causing us needless distractions? Do they have a serious impact on how we live today?
The year was As prohibitively expensive technology became affordable to the masses and the Internet made it easy to stay in touch with people who were halfway across the world, Harvard undergrad and computer programming wizard Mark Zuckerberg launched a website with the potential to alter the very fabric of our society.
Monthly active users now total nearly 850 million! 250 million photos are uploaded daily 20% of all page views on the web are on Facebook 425 million mobile users 100 billion connections 2.7 billion “likes” per day 57% of users are female 2012
2012 Twitter Facts: There are over 465 million accounts 175 million tweets a day 1 million accounts are added daily Top 3 countries: USA at 107 million, Brazil 33 million and Japan at nearly 30 million
“We Shall Overshare”
1 st Read Underline Unfamiliar Words
Vocab for first article anyone? gulag (2): tiff (2): Soviet forced-labor camp slight or petty quarrel
Vocab for first article anyone? heretofore (3): exponentially (3): until now at a rapidly increasing speed
Vocab for first article anyone? detractors (3): scrutiny (3): spurn (3): opponents examination hatefully reject
Vocab for first article anyone? pictorial (4): prowess (4): banality (5): a series of related photos ability boringness
Vocab for first article anyone? erosion (5): quintessentially (7): cultivate (9): the destruction of s/t over time as a perfect example acquire and develop
Vocab for first article anyone? ponder (9): dissidents (10): consider deeply people who oppose an established political system, religion, etc.
After 1 st reading: What’s the Big Idea? (7 minutes)
2 nd Reading: SWBAT decide whether Social Networking has altered communication by highlighting, annotating + imbedding icons.
nd Reading Questions