Friendship ch 9
»Think about 3 qualities you associate with friendship, share them with your partner.
I thou or I it »Thou-treating the other as a subject with an inner life »It-treating the other as an object to be used
Who are our true friends? 1.Bring out the best 2.Loyal and honest 3.Mutual and equal 4.Accepting 5.Available and generous
Levels of Friendship Close Friends Acquaintances Collaborators Buddies relatives
Close Friends »Someone that you could disclose anything to »A true gift
acquaintances »Coworkers, schoolmates, neighbors, and social contacts »People we touch base with occasionally »We know who they are and a bit about them
Think of 5 acquaintances which on might become a close friend?
collaborators »People with a common interest »Someone we work together with on a project »The relationship may end after the project is completed
buddies »Form around a mutual interest or activity
buddies »Activity based »Relies on an activity »Dissolves when the activity ends »Buddy-ism reigns »We need to rely on more than buddies
Relatives as friends »Relatives can be friends too
when a friendship ends… »Distance, change, competition, envy, money and favors, over dependence, betrayal »Letting go »How can we enable ourselves or others to let go?