PROJECT STATUS UPDATE P10661-AERIAL IMAGING Dale Turley (Mechanical Engineering)
Project Status Update Project NameAerial Imaging System Project NumberP10661 Project FamilyOpen Architecture, Open Source Aerial Imaging Systems TrackPrinting and Imaging Start Term planned academic quarter for MSD1 End Term planned academic quarter for MSD2 Faculty GuideDr. Pratapa Reddy, Professor in Computer Engineering? Tech SupportMr. Mike Walsh Primary CustomerDr. Carl Salvaggio, College of Imaging Science
Mission Statement The overall product is a visible spectrum imaging system for the use with an unmanned aerial vehicle. The specific task under development is an image calibration system and procedure to be used by researchers in the College of Imaging Science, to effectively and efficiently collect aerial data. Key Business Goals: This product is to replace existing data collection methods. To give the customer the ability to launch and collect data on-demand and to choose the usage based on specific situations. Reduce the cost associated with current collection processes. Pre-processing of images will eliminate the need for expensive and timely post- processing in a lab.
Markets/Stakeholders Primary Customer: The primary market for this product is the RIT College of Imaging Science. Secondary Markets: Secondary markets for this imaging system may include emergency response agencies where the product could be applied for search & rescue or in firefighting. Law enforcement agencies could use this product for drug eradication. Stakeholders: R Open Architecture, Open Source Aerial Imaging Systems College of Imaging Arts and Sciences Kate Gleason College of Engineering Law Enforcement Agencies Fire Departments Public Safety
Customer Interview Carl Salvaggio Imaging scientists are always starved for data Current data collection systems use manned aircraft which are very expensive and logistically inconvenient System needs to be robust enough to accompany different spectral imaging devices Type of image depends on the mission System needs to be small and light enough to be carried by RIT UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) Calibration can allow for imaging scientists to measure energy directly from an image to interpret data immediately On-board calibration will ultimately increase data quality and decrease cost associated with the equipment
Preliminary Roadmap Aerial Imaging System Platform Vibe Control Camera Calibration Aluminum Platform (includes DAQ + power) Passive Vibration Control Visible Spectrum Ground Based Aluminum Platform (include calibration device) Visible & Thermal IR On-board Visible Calibration Cost and Mass Reduction P09561P10661Phase 3Phase 4 Composite Platform Active Vibration Control On-Board Thermal IR Calibration Multi-Spectral Cameras Wireless Short range Wireless Long Range RF Down Link No Wireless Interface
Affinity Diagram Functionality Visible Calibration Temperature Control Data Storage Camera Modularity Flight Parameters Passive Vibration Control Constraints Weight Size Budget Available Equipment Structural Frame Calibrator Camera Gimbal Casing Cost Camera Type Materials NIST Equipment Maintenance Desires Reduce Weight Reduce Size Increase Storage Stable Power Easy User Interface Robust Design Calibration Stable Power NIST Lamp Secondary Lamps Automatic Updating Time to Calibrate
Interpreting Customer Needs NeedNeed StatementMeasure of Effectiveness MinNomMax 1Image measurementsWattsTBD 2Data Storagegigabyte Transfer RateMb/sec540 4Low cost flight timeDollars/Hour0800 5LightweightLbs510 6DimensionsInch4x4x66x6x8 7Modularity# of cameras1Multiple 8Stable power sourceVolts515 9Thermally stableDeg CTBD
Objective Tree UAV Imaging System ResourcesScope EconomicsTechnological RIT Faculty RIT Students LIAS Lab Useful for researchers Low production cost Low usage cost Low maintenance cost Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Imaging Science Frame Power Imaging Theory Software Machine Shop Measurements Useful for public safety agencies Observation Information Computer Engineering Storage
Function Tree UAV Imaging System Calibration Camera System Data Storage Software System Power Software System Hardware System Quality of Data VisibleThermal IR Processing Power CapacityReliability Subsystem Controls User Interface Camera Controls Stable Provide Power for Entire Flight Short Wave Long Wave
Preliminary House of Quality Relative Importance Results: Engineering MetricRelative Weight Camera Modularity23% Storage Capacity15% Transfer Rate2% Size6% Weight7% Operating Temp7% Power Consumption19% Cost4% Energy Measurements15%
Staffing Predictions SubcomponentTechnical FieldNumber of Students FrameME2 SoftwareCE1 ElectricalEE2 Imaging AnalysisIS1 Total6
Future Plans Continue to build on needs, interpreting needs, and identifying relative importance Observe parent MSD2 team Lessons learned Advice Meet with other individuals important to the project Jason Faulring (computer engineering grad student) Jan VanAardt (head of Laboratory for Imaging Algorithms and Systems) Attend RIT Innovation Festival Attend P09561 design review Develop action plan for MSD1 to address how the team will engage the design process Concept development Sanity check