November 6, 2012
Survey and results to date On going project plans Lessons Learned: Information for you:
Statistics Survey Results
Grades in Spring ◦ grades collected Grades in Summer: ◦ grades collected Number of errors: 0 Time to “clean” grades reduced from 6 business days to 1 day Data collected 10/11/2012
Spring 2012 ◦ Total 5388 Sections Submitted ◦ 713 Authorized Graders Designated ◦ 615 Sections Imported Summer 2012 ◦ Total 966 Sections Submitted ◦ 136 Authorized Graders Designated ◦ 81 Sections Imported Data collected 10/11/2012
Next Steps Communication Plan
Grade Import for Late Submission – new feature for Winter 2013 Preserving In-Progress data to be filed after the deadline – new feature for Winter 2013 Automatic updating of eGrades to reflect records modified in ISIS – currently a manual workaround; expected for Winter 2013 Improvements to Import Interface – improved error messages/new window – Winter 2013
Registrar’s Office will all instructors assigned to sections, as well as ODAPA, with grading deadlines and links to information pages beginning Fall 2012 1 st on the Thursday prior to the opening of eGrades 2 nd on Monday prior to closing of eGrades, only to those instructors with outstanding sections Notifications will be sent for all quarters, including Summer
Timely Actions Department Chair Role Issues Uncovered by eGrades Of Concern to EPC
All sections must have an instructor assigned ◦ Blank will default to department chair in Week 3 When scheduling sections, departments should verify that Instructor PIDs are correct New Instructors should check their UCSD Business Systems access in advance of the grading cycle Instructors should designate Authorized Graders as soon as they can be identified
The Registrar’s Office is clearinghouse for department chair role assignments. Department Chair role is only provisioned to Senate faculty PPS code Roles are provisioned by PPS department code, not by subject code. For example the department chair of History oversees all of History, Chinese Studies, Judaic Studies, etc. Multiple individuals can have Chair role
eGrades requires the accurate recording of teaching assignments in ISIS Instructors need access and support for UC San Diego business systems Use of the X code for Academic Integrity process not well known The impact of automated processes on grading policy, for example IP sequences and Incomplete grades Some inconsistent data structures – multiple/wrong PIDs Instructor refusals and non-conforming practices
Campus Grades Query Access Information Extension Students
The Campus Grades query provides the same information as the paper quarterly Grades Recorded Report and the monthly Grade Changes Reports. See querylink: campus grades The query can also provide information about student grades, GPAs, and AIC. Request Access through DSA ◦ Ask for use of eGrades Querylink report and request secure_stu_grades_prod in the ALTNG:DB2 tab Simplified version coming soon, announcement will be made through ODAPA.
Department chairs ◦ Send updates to Include the name, , employee ID, and department ◦ Departments can request more than one person to be given the role Continuing access ◦ Instructors can continue to access eGrades after teaching appointments end with SSO ◦ Separated instructors (e.g., retirements) - Have your DSA contact Everett Stauffer x24086 or for access after Problems occurred when Instructors did not have Single- Sign on set up in advance of accessing egrades ◦ SSO self registration requires an overnight refresh When scheduling sections, departments should verify instructor PIDs are correct, otherwise Instructors may not be able to access their sections
eGrades supports Extension student grade reporting only for the initial grade submission All grade changes must be submitted directly to Extension ◦ Contact: Quang Nguyen at x40424 or by