RTF Management Update Jennifer Anziano Regional Technical Forum February 18, 2015
Update on the HVAC Interaction Factors Project with BPA See HVAC Interaction Factors Handouts: – Project Description – Key Data Sources 2
Delivery Verification Plan 3 Guidelines adopted in June 2014 included a section on Delivery Verification Guidance “As part of approving a UES and Standard Protocol measure, the RTF will provide guidance on delivery verification. The guidance should describe key data that needs to be collected as part of delivery verification. This guidance will depend on factors included in the savings estimation method. For example, for retail delivery of lighting measures, where the storage rate and installation rates are embedded in the savings estimate, the needed data would be sales of the product by the retailers. For other measures, delivery verification may require data collection by visual inspection or physical measurement. For example measures involving commissioning controls and equipment sizing where the savings estimates does not assume a rate of specification compliance. For these measures, a site inspection would be needed to determine the rate of compliance with the specification. The delivery verification guidance should be documented as part of the measure specification for UES measures. For Standard Protocol measures, the guidance is provided by the protocol document.” (Section 3.6 of Roadmap)
Delivery Verification Plan Bonneville, with support of Navigant (Jes Rivas, Justin Spencer, Heather Lisle) and SBW Consulting (Mike Baker), has developed a draft framework for how the RTF could develop these requirements for UES measures 4
Framework for Requirements Defining the key parameters and sub-parameters – Add delivery verification section to summary sheet – Example: Leave approach and selection of data sources to program operator/evaluator, mostly 5 Source: Navigant
Addressing Multiple Program Implementation Requirements Example: Residential Weatherization – “Regional Technical Forum, Residential Weatherization Specification,” August 30, 2011 Not practical to verify every implementation and product standard – Some are not related to energy savings – No differentiation of the savings related components Interest in breaking down these pieces: which ones are deal breakers (must happen or you get a 0) verses best practice Potential policy concern that delivery verification requirements are a smaller set of the overall requirements More and more measures will fall into this category need to figure out a solution 6
Proposed Next Steps CAT to go through all of the existing UES measures and define: – Is it simple or complex? – Are there embedded compliance rates? If so, what? CAT with BPA to develop requirements for one complex measure (attic insulation) as an example March RTF Meeting: Share the categories and example with the RTF 7
Survey Results In November 2014: RTF staff sent a short survey to solicit feedback on: – Meeting participation and satisfaction – Recent changes – Opportunities for improvement Today: Overview of responses 8 Voting members12 Non-voting6
Monthly Meetings Meeting AttendanceHours Spent Preparing 9
Monthly Meeting Satisfaction 10
Time Management Suggestions 11
Satisfaction with Subcommittees 12
Areas for Continued Growth Research Plans and Standard Protocol development – Development and completion of research plan – Better leveraging existing regional research Increase understanding of real world implementation challenges Meeting management has improved, but can continue to improve – Agenda development (ex: setting appropriate discussion time and managing to that, scheduling 2 day meetings if needed) – Continuing to improve presentations – Continuing to leverage subcommittees! Development of a communications plan 13
Upcoming Meeting Topics Topics anticipated for March Heat Pump CC&S research plan DHP for FAF research plan NC – ENERGY STAR Homes – OR 2015 (sunset date) More on the delivery verification work MH calibration check in 14
Upcoming Meeting Topics (cont) Anticipated for April Res clothes dryers (new measure) and clothes washers Com clothes washers Heat pump water heaters (research plan) NC – Montana House 2 (Proven) CVR/VO Protocols Anticipated for May Grocery Display Case LEDS and ECMs (Proven) Refrigerator/Freezer Decommissioning (Proven) Motors Pump VFD Standard Protocol (Provisional SP) Behavior SP (under review) 15
Upcoming Meeting Topics (cont) Anticipated for June Implementing MH calibration (Proven) – MH HVAC measures – MH Weatherization measures – MH New Construction measures Residential Lighting (Proven) Anticipated for July and Beyond Advanced Power Strips (Planning) Multifamily weatherization and new construction MF Calibration: Seeking MF weatherization and new construction evaluation data 16