All teachers will use cumulative marks, consistency is key. This is important as marks will be displayed on the PARENT PORTAL and STUDENT PORTAL on the new SIS (we may have to send a progress report home before the first report card). Education of the students / parents will be needed. Some comments need to be used such as, “mark is only based upon a few evaluations and can change drastically early in a semester “(something to consider for the course outline).
“... final grades should never be determined by simply averaging the grades from several grading periods”
Unlike traditional term report card marks, which weight curriculum material into distinct terms, cumulative marks weight by learner outcomes. This provides the opportunity for the student and teacher to revisit learner outcomes throughout the year as well as to provide a more accurate grade level of achievement of each student at any point during the school year or semester. Cumulative means building on.
Tests – 30% -40% Assignments – 20% - 40% Projects – 10% - 20% Portfolio – 10% - 20% Exam % -30% Place this evaluation scheme in your E-Grades and let it run for the semester, there are no terms for you to worry about, students and parents can get an accurate picture of what the student is doing at any point in the year/semester, there are no terms to apply the 50% to generate a mark, there are no crunch times as terms end.
Need to stay away from the split! Need to have a number of assessments in each category. Be careful to create a category that will not contain many assessments Example: A teacher believes that labs are very important and places a value of 20% for the semester. However, this teacher misjudges the time in the semester and only gets two labs completed. You still have to generate a sufficient number of assessments, the program you are using will calculate the grade as the semester progresses. What problem does this present? Revisit in September.
In teachers will be required to submit year plans to the office by September 30 th (AVRSB policy) Year plans will include a communication plan. Please communicate with parents. See Word documents.