Office of School Improvement Updates Division Liaison Meeting The College of William and Mary December 3, 2012
Virginia Department of Education Resources The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) provides a variety of resources for local educational agencies (LEA) to use in preparation for the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments. New resources for 2012: SOL Practice items - provide examples of the new content and increased rigor represented by the revised Standards of Learning (SOL) and illustrate the new Technology-Enhanced Item types for the mathematics, reading, science, and writing SOL tests. Teacher Direct - provides a way to share new instructional resources created by VDOE staff as well as make teachers aware of professional development and grant opportunities, and other information of special interest to teachers and their students.
The SOL Practice Items may be found at the following link:
The SOL Practice Items Resource Page includes: Practice items for mathematics, English, and science SOL assessments Audio version of practice items for students with an accommodation for testing (IEP and Section 504 plans) Practice item guides
The Teacher Direct resources may be found at the following link:
What are a few ways that a division liaison could share information about the VDOE Resources with his/her assigned division leadership teams? Think – Pair - Share
Focus and Tier III school principals have: Selected the adaptive reading assessment (focus schools only) to be used in identifying Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention students; Selected the data query system to be used in tracking the progress of students on a quarterly basis; Received information via Indistar® webinars regarding the necessity for them to collaborate with the LEA mathematics experts to execute a process for identifying Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention students; and Participated in three webinars regarding the Indistar® Web-based planning tool. Focus and Tier III Schools Update
Focus and Tier III school principals and their division leadership teams will need to complete the following tasks prior to January 2013: Administer the adaptive reading assessment (focus schools only); Develop tasks for the school- and division- level improvement plans; Identify Tier 2 and Tier 3 mathematics students using the LEA-developed process; and Identify the tiered, differentiated intervention programs in reading and mathematics that will be used with the Tier 2 and Tier 3 students. Next Steps
What are a few ways that a division liaison could share information about the next steps for focus and Tier III schools with his/her assigned division leadership teams? Think – Pair - Share
Indistar® Web-based Planning Tool Updates Division liaisons may review forms completed by the division leadership teams.
The Coaching Review Dashboard enables the division liaison to review all work completed by the division leadership team.
1.Where are the state educational agency’s focus schools in their preparations to implement interventions in the first semester? 2.What processes, such as needs analyses, are local educational agencies and schools using to determine what interventions will be implemented? 3.How is the state educational agency ensuring that its local educational agencies implement interventions aligned with the reason for the school’s identification as a focus school? 4.What resources and supports are the state educational agency providing to those local educational agencies as they develop their plans for interventions? 5.What process does the state educational agency have in place to ensure that all focus schools will begin implementing interventions in the first semester ? For example, do local educational agencies have a plan or report that they must submit? 6.How is the state educational agency planning to hold local educational agencies accountable for improving school and student performance? 7.How and when does the state educational agency plan to monitor local educational agency implementation of interventions in priority and focus schools? U.S. Department of Education’s ESEA Flexibility Waiver Monitoring Key Questions Regarding Focus Schools
The Office of School Improvement (OSI) will monitor LEA implementation of ESEA Flexibility Waiver requirements for focus schools via the Local Educational Agency Monitoring Report. The report will be: Maintained on the Indistar® Dashboard Completed by OSI staff members in March 2013 and June 2013
Local Educational Agency (LEA) Monitoring Report
The OSI staff will complete the LEA Monitoring Report after reviewing the quarterly audit reports (completed by the VDOE division liaison) and the division’s improvement plan. Conference calls with division leadership teams to discuss areas of concern will be scheduled, if needed.
Thank you for all of your hard work!