Public educational information network Rakhimov D.K. Director of the “UZINFOCOM" Center
MNEMMACF KOMOLOT UzACI Equipment by computer technics of school The general information system Items of collective access to Internet National search system Development ICT information
The basic directions of activity Association in a uniform information network the educational and youth information resources created and supported by the various organizations and structures of the country; Formation and development of national information resources for youth; Assistance to introduction in an education system of methods of remote training and other information-communication services for pupils and youth. Ordering of information resources of an educational and youth orientation Maintenance of wide access to the information promoting spiritual and intellectual development of youth; Propagation of a healthy way of life and popularization of various kinds of sports;
Structure of resource center ZiyoNET ZiyoNET Resource center Branch at MNE Branch at MMACF Group of developers UZINFOCOM
Functional possibilities of network ZiyoNET Deprecication of access to the educational information Virtual community, place for dialogue, discussions, an exchange of experience Access to information base of a portal (library, the catalogue of schools) 1 2 3
Expectations from network ZiyoNET Acceleration of growth of quantity of users of a network the Internet The operative decision of the primary goals in formation at the state level Increase of knowledge in the field of ICT, acceleration of introduction ICT in formation 1 2 3
The basic scheme of network ZiyoNET