ufdc.ufl.edu/ufir Institutional Repository – UF
The Institutional Repository at the University of Florida is the digital archive for the intellectual output of the University of Florida community, with research, news, outreach, and educational materials. Mission of the
Open Access: Free, complete access Digital Archive: Ensuring long-term digital preservation and optimal accessibility now with continual enhancements Features: Permanent URLs Library Catalog Search Engines Open Access Digital Archive
Planning Phase -IR Task Force ( ) Proof of Concept -Implementation Phase ( ) Fully Operational: -Self-submittal system (2009) -Outreach & Promotion (current) Development History
Research & Creative materials: Articles, books, conference papers and proceedings, data sets, documentary videos, exhibit materials, grant proposals, journals, oral histories, photographs, presentation slides, research archives, software, works of art University Archives UF: Holdings
Login: Gatorlink myUFDC for UF-affiliated without Gatorlinks (Alternate FTP and external hard drive file transfer for large files/sets) Permissions agreement: Only grants permissions Author retains all rights Can be submitted by others with author permissions Usage Reports ed monthly with usage for your items As an Open Access repository, materials submitted cannot violate HIPAA, FERPA, Copyright, UF rules for patentable intellectual property Any other applicable rights, rules regulations, or laws Self-Submittal System
January 2007: items - 9,131 pages January 2009: - 8,906 items - 272,686 pages December 2011: - 27,598 items - 1,663,336 pages One of the most accessed items: Body Condition Scoring of Horses from 2003 Florida Equine Institute papers, viewed 10,254 times UF: Statistics
Institutional UF ufdc.ufl.edu/ufir