第三組 報告人 : 黃冠中、徐暉庭 Movie Behind the Scenes 電影 :BABE 幕後花絮 Movie Behind the Scenes 電影 :BABE 幕後花絮
Hello,everyone!! Welcome to watch the movie behind the scenes!! Can you believe that a normal pig can turn into a sheep pig? Now let’s see with me!
Today’s movie is “ BABE ”! Let’s welcome the character- Babe !! Everyone really want to know what do you think about this movie!! Please tell us your feeling from the movie- ” BABE ”!
I can hardly believe that the pig become to a sheep dog. I think that there’s nearly nothing impossible in this new generation. We know that everything could happen. We must to believe ourselves and try to do our best. Then our wishes will become true.
Everyone has a wonderful dream. We are all different from others. We can’t criticize others dream. Everybody wants to achieve their dream, but just think about it the dream won’t come true. We have to try and try. The most important thing is don’t give up. We should keep going until the end.
The career is without distinction. Nobody can decide your job. For example, the man can be a nurse, and the woman can be a police officer. Everyone is unique and nobody will be replaced. We just need to do ourselves. Although you are very rich, you never contributed to the world. That you don’t have any value.