Chapter 7 -1 CHAPTER 7 PROCESS SYNCHRONIZATION CGS Operating System Concepts UCF, Spring 2004
Chapter 7 -2 COOPERATING PROCESSES Independent processes cannot affect or be affected by the execution of another process. Dependent processes can affect or be affected by the execution of another process –a.k.a., Cooperating Processes Processes may cooperate for: –Information sharing –Computation speed-up (Requires 2 or more CPUs) –Modularity –Convenience
Chapter 7 -3 REQUIREMENTS FOR COOPERATION In order to cooperate, processes must be able to: –Communicate with one another Passing information between two or more processes –Synchronize their actions coordinating access to shared resources –hardware (e.g., printers, drives) –software (e.g., shared code) –files (e.g., data or database records) –variables (e.g., shared memory locations) Concurrent access to shared data may result in data inconsistency. Maintaining data consistency requires synchronization mechanisms to ensure the orderly execution of cooperating processes –Synchronization itself requires some form of communication
Chapter 7 -4 PROCESS SYNCHRONIZATION Particularly important with concurrent execution Can cause two major problems: –Race Condition - When two or more cooperating processes access and manipulate the same data concurrently, and the outcome of the execution depends on the order in which the access takes place. –Deadlock (Chapter 8) - When two or more waiting processes require shared resource for their continued execution but the required resources are held by other waiting processes
Chapter 7 -5 RACE CONDITION Cooperating processes have within their programs “critical sections” –A code segment during which a process accesses and changes a common variable or data item. –When one processes is in its critical section, no other process must execute in its own critical section. –Execution of critical sections with respect to the same shared variable or data item must be mutually exclusive A race condition occurs when two processes execute critical sections in a non-mutually exclusive manner.
Chapter 7 -6 RACE CONDITION EXAMPLES File Level Access –Editing files in a word processor Record Level Access –Modifying a data base record Shared Variable Level P1P2:LOAD XX = X+1STORE X: Final value for X based on execution sequence
Chapter 7 -7 RACE CONDITION EXAMPLES (cont.) Think of concurrent access as a series of sequential instructions with respect to the shared variable, data or resource. If no interrupts during each code section: X = 1051 If interrupts do occur results may vary: X = 51 or 1050
Chapter 7 -8 PREVENTING RACE CONDITIONS Two options (policies) for preventing race conditions: –we must make sure that each process executes its critical section without interruption (PROBLEMS????) –make other processes wait until the current process completes execution of its critical section Any mechanism for solving the critical section problem must meet the following: –Mutual Exclusion - Only one process at a time may execute in its critical section –Progress - Processes must be allowed to execute their critical sections at some time –Bounded Waiting - Cannot prevent a process from executing its critical section indefinitely
Chapter 7 -9 SOLUTIONS TO CRITICAL SECTION PROBLEM Text book contains various software and hardware solutions to the critical section problem: –Algorithm 1 (software/shared memory): Uses turn variable to alternate entry into critical sections between two processes Assures mutual exclusion but not progress requirement –Algorithm 2 (software/shared memory): Uses flag variables to show requests by processes wishing to enter their critical sections. Assures mutual exclusion but not progress requirement –Algorithm 3 (software/shared memory): Uses flags to show requests, then turn to break tie Meets all three requirements but only for two processes
Chapter SOLUTIONS TO CRITICAL SECTION PROBLEM (cont.) Swap/Test-and-Set (hardware/software/shared memory) Executed as atomic or indivisible instructions. Allows process to test status of a “lock” variable and set lock at same time. Can execute critical section only if unlocked. Can be used to simplify programming of synchronization algorithms.
Chapter SOLUTIONS (cont.) Previous examples require: –OS to provide shared memory locations for variables (turn, flags, locks) –But programmers are responsible for how that shared memory is used. Must write lots of code to support these types of solutions Must write correct code Algorithms 1, 2 & 3 (even with hardware support) become very complicated when more than two processes require access to critical sections referencing the same shared variable/resource.
Chapter SOLUTIONS (cont.) Need more robust solution: –Should be managed by the OS or supported by HLL –Should work with two or more processes –Should not require application process control or masking of interrupts –Should be workable in multi-processor environments (parallel systems) –Should keep processes from executing in the running state (busy/waiting loops or no-ops) while waiting their turn Must also meet our three requirements: –Mutual exclusion, progress, bounded waiting
Chapter ROBUST SOLUTIONS Critical Regions –High Level Language (HLL) construct for controlling execution of critical sections –Code oriented solution –Regions referring to the same shared variable exclude each other in time. Monitors –High Level Language (HLL) construct for managing the shared variable/resource referenced in critical sections –More object- or data-oriented solution –allows the safe sharing of an abstract data type among concurrent processes
Chapter ROBUST SOLUTIONS (cont.) Semaphores –Can be managed by OS or applications programmer –Processes execute P( ) operation before entering critical section –Processes execute V( ) operation after leaving critical section –P( ) and V( ) can be a type of system call
Chapter SEMAPHORES Uses a shared variable s (can be owned by OS) –Initialized to “1” P(s) - Atomic Operation (aka wait) –Decrement value of s by 1 –If s<0, block process Move process from running state to wait_semaphore_s queue V(s) - Atomic Operation (aka signal) –Increment value of s by 1 –If s <=0, unblock a waiting process Move process from wait_semaphore_s queue to ready queue Usually use FCFS/FIFO to ensure progress
Chapter SEMAPHORES (cont.) Semaphores can be used for more than just critical section solutions –Can be used to control access to resources for example, printers, files, records) The P( ) and V( ) operations described in previous slide use a “counting” semaphore. –Negative values of s tell how many processes are waiting to access the share resource associated with the semaphore. –Can initialize s to number other than 1 if more instances of the resource (e.g., printer) exist